Hi, I’m Jerry Hill with Together in the Harvest. I want to speak today on Revelations 12:11 which says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives to death.”
God wants us to be an overcomer. He wants us to be drawn so close to Him that we can overcome every single thing in our lives that is not pleasing to Him. He wants us to have victory in our lives. And when we get that victory, not only victory, but He wants us to share our testimonies with other people.
We bring honor and glory to Him and to His power and what He can do in our lives. We share with people our testimony of what He’s brought us out of and what He can deliver us from. And we can be an encouragement to somebody else.
Then we want to leave out sometimes the end of that scripture. The end of that scripture is we love not our lives unto death. We are not supposed to be so in love with our life. We are supposed to be so committed to God that our lives are laid on the altar. We lay our lives on the altar as a sacrifice, whatever He wants to do through us. If we start pulling and we start looking for things that are captivating us that are keeping us from God, we love not our lives unto death.
Father. I pray that you touch each person and that she’ll put in them a desire to lay their lives on the line, that they will be an overcomer, and that they will share their testimonies with others in Jesus name. Amen.