Hi, my name is Grace Clibourn here with GOD TV and I’d love to welcome you to God Today. Today I’m going to be sharing about peace.
Most of us know very well that Jesus is often referred to as the Prince of Peace. And because of this, we know that the peace of God is also the presence of God. When peace is leading us, we know that Jesus is in the driver’s seat. Whether it’s our normal day-to-day lives or in times of transition, we can know the peace of God is ever present and that we have the ability to follow the Prince of Peace.
As we go along in John 16:33 Jesus is speaking to His disciples and preparing them for Him to leave. He says, “I have told you these things so that in Me, you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world.” Jesus isn’t denying that life can sometimes become difficult. In fact, in the verses before this, Jesus was telling the disciples all about how they will experience hardship when He leaves, but that they won’t be alone.
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He goes before us. When we follow Him, we allow Him to make room for us in our lives and our relationships, our connections, our jobs, homes, decisions, everything.
So if you’re struggling, struggling to find peace today, I encourage you to take time to spend with Jesus and allow Him to show You how He has gone before you and every way. I’d love to pray for you right now.
Jesus, I ask that You would go and be with whoever it is that is watching this video today. I pray that Your presence would fill the room and that You would give them a revelation of who You are as the Prince of Peace.
Holy Spirit, that you would go and You would fill their lives and that You would teach them what Your presence feels like. And that You would teach them what Your peace feels like so that they know what it feels like to follow You closely in Jesus name. Amen.