Hi, I’m Jessica Koulianos from Jesus Image and welcome to God Today. I just wanted to talk to you today about distraction. I am a busy mind – constantly – I used to have issues with sleeping because my mind is always going, going, going, going, going. My husband teases me and always says that I’m a Martha – and I totally am a Martha. That’s something that I feel like, just right now, in society, we’re just so busy. There’s just so much going on, there’s so much negativity everywhere. You can’t turn on the news or anything without hearing something bad. Our minds can get so easily distracted. What it does, is it takes away from what God is trying to speak to us, what God is trying to do for us. Just the peace He wants us to have on our lives – you know God wants you to have a peaceful, restful life? He doesn’t want the busy-ness of the world. That’s why we’re not of the world. We’re in it, but we’re not of it. So, we don’t need to get tied down with all the little things that just don’t matter.
Just the other day, somebody said something really bad about my family. I couldn’t even sleep that night, it just made me so upset, it was just something hurtful. People say mean things about us all the time, I’m sure people talk badly about you all the time – that’s just life. I was just getting bogged down and I couldn’t even think straight. I just went to the Lord in my room and I said, “God, just completely let me focus on you. I do not want to lose the big picture of what you’re doing in our lives, I want to have peace and rest in you.”
Sometimes the enemy will just throw petty stuff your way. Just little things like, “I can’t pay my bills on time”, or “this person just said something mean to me” or “I’m having a bad day at work.” Just nonsense – things that will not matter in your life in a few months. So, I just want to encourage you today just stay focused on God. Don’t let anything steal your rest. Sometimes it’s your phone, sometimes it’s checking social media, sometimes it’s checking things – you don’t need to do that. I really encourage you, and I try to do this in my own life, and I don’t do it every day – it’s something that I constantly try to do. Get with God first. Before you turn on the news, turn on your phone, make a phone call – just wake up and talk to Jesus. Just say, “Lord, have this day.” Put worship music on, try to set the atmosphere for your day and you’ll be amazed how easily your day will come along. Even though there’s still going to be those crazy things in your day – that’s just how life is. But, you’ll be able to get through them in peace and love and you’ll see a difference in your children, your marriage, your family – it’s amazing what God can do. So, I encourage you today – don’t become distracted with things that don’t matter. You have a call to have a peaceful and restful life in Jesus.