Hi, my name is Bethany Hicks and I’m with Prophetic Company, and welcome to God Today. I wanted to share with you today about the song that God is singing over your life. Have you ever thought about that before? Have you ever thought about the fact that God is actually singing over you? We find this in Zephaniah 3:17, where it says that “he rejoices over you with singing.” And so God is literally singing songs over your life, but why? Like what is the benefit of Him singing over us? Well, let’s talk about this practically. How many of you guys have ever woken up in the morning with maybe a song on your heart or a melody? And it’s not because of something that you were listening to the night before or even something that is currently on your playlist. It’s just something that just was bubbling up in your spirit, maybe in the morning or even throughout the day. Well, that could be something that God is singing over you.
Another example could be where maybe there’s a particular worship song or even a marketplace song that is just really speaking to your heart. And, and I don’t know if you’re like me, but every time I am in my car or I get an opportunity, I’m hitting the song on repeat and replay all day long. It’s just like one of those songs that you’re just into for an entire season. Again, that could be an example of God singing over you. Isaiah 42 verses 9 and 10 tells us to “forget the former things. See? I’m doing something new, even now, it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” And so God is telling us, hey, the old has passed, the new is coming. Do you not perceive it? And then it says this: “Sing to the Lord a new song.” See, I believe that the new song releases the new day, and one of the reasons why God sings over us is of course, because He delights over us. But also because He’s looking for our agreement. See, if He’s singing a song over you and He gets you to come into agreement to sing that song with Him, then that new day can be accelerated and released in your life.
I remember there was a season in my life years ago, where there is a particular song by Steffany Gretzinger, who is a powerful worship leader. And the song lyrics went something like this, it said, “The path you take becomes a road. The ground you take becomes a home.” Now at that time of my life, I was living up in the mountains in a little ski resort area, and I would be driving every single month, five hours, one way to go to a church in Vacaville, California, where I would participate in their worship school and their prophetic school. And so I would do this journey for a year and a half, every single month, driving five hours, one way. So, as I’m doing this, I’m singing the song. The song is speaking to my heart. “The path you take becomes a road. The ground you take becomes your home.” I had no idea this road trip that I was taking for a year and a half was literally paving the way to the future home for me and my family, because we ended up moving to that area. That was really a catalytic time for destiny for me and my family. So what was God doing? He was looking for my agreement. He was singing to me about, hey, this path you’re taking through the mountains, this five hours of driving is becoming a road. This place you keep going to, it’s ground you’re taking and it’s going to become your home.
And so now, as I reflect back over that season, I realize God was literally singing over me and singing me into my new day. God is singing songs over you. Come on! What are the songs that are alive in your heart? What are the songs that you feel you are super connecting with? That could be God singing over you into the new day.
And so Father, I thank you for every person on here. I thank you that you are singing good songs over their life right now, you are rejoicing over every single person watching this. Father, I pray that their hearts and their spirits would come into alignment and agreement with the song of heaven over them today so that their new day can be released, Amen.