3 Questions You Should Ask God

Friday, February 25th, 2022

The Lord recently asked me, "Why don't you ever ask me any questions?" And it gave me pause. It made me stop and think, why don't I ask Him any questions?
Brittany Thompson


Hi everyone. My name is Brittany Thompson, and I’m a contributor on the Relentless Woman Facebook page with God TV.  I’m so excited to share with you today, three questions that you should be asking God every day. I know that sometimes when we talk to the Lord, we can tend to be very one-sided with the things that we are telling Him, the things we’re saying. And the Lord recently asked me, “Why don’t you ever ask me any questions?” And it gave me pause. It made me stop and think, why don’t I ask Him any questions? I should; He’s my friend. I should ask my friend questions, because I want to know all about Him. I want to know all about His thoughts and His plans, and that’s how you get to know the Lord, is by asking questions. So I want to give you three questions that you can ask God today to increase your relationship and grow in connection with Him.

So the first question is, “God, how do you see me?” Oftentimes we look at ourselves in the mirror and we see all of our imperfections. We see all of the mistakes that we’ve made, but when God looks at us, He sees His image copied onto our lives. His grace covers every mistake and every flaw. So ask the Lord to give you vision for how He sees you today. The second question that you can ask God is, “God, how can I welcome your presence into my life today?” There are so many moments in our lives that we are busy and doing things and filling our schedules and forgetting to stop and welcome the Holy Spirit into every moment of our day. Because that is what a true relationship is. When you welcome someone in to the every day, and the exciting. The third thing that you can ask God, that will help increase your connection with him is, “God, what am I doing really well right now?” The Lord loves to brag on His kids. He loves to encourage us. He loves to see us fully empowered and living our best life. So if you’re curious, “Hey God, what am I doing really well right now?” Just sit before Him and let Him answer those questions for you today.

I hope that this blessed you today. I’m just going to pray a prayer of blessing over you before we end out today. Jesus, I thank you so much that you are so kind and you are so good to us. I pray that you would inspire us to ask you more questions, to go deeper with you and to actually learn what’s on your heart, not just tell you always what’s on our heart. I thank you for being faithful and kind and loving and for always being there for us. I bless your day today to have an amazing day and full of encounters and awesome impact. I hope you have an awesome rest of your day.