Hi, my name is John Garfield. I’m with realeasingkings.com. Welcome to God Today. I want to talk to you for two minutes about failure. Something that’s not normally in our theology. The story that I have is that in 2012, at the age of 60, I was already retired. We lost about 2 million dollars – it was our life savings. I went through depression, despair, and I couldn’t see my own future. What came out of all that is that a friend from Poland called me up and gave me this verse, it’s in John 12:24. It says, “I tell you the truth unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed. But, if it dies it produces many seeds.”
What I want to suggest to you is that none of us are immune to failures. None of us are immune from setbacks. The most painful thing we can go through is to see our dreams crushed and see the things we had hoped to become almost impossible. The reality is that for the Christian, we learn to experience the power of His resurrection. Now, here is the key that I want you to hear. There is no such thing as resurrection without death. Death is never comfortable, it’s never pleasant. It is something that is very difficult, but it does a deep work in our hearts. It brings us to a place of fruitfulness. There is this brokenness that becomes available to us and it doesn’t come any other way than through difficulties and trials.
Father, in the name of Jesus, many of us are experiencing difficulties, trials, setbacks; failures. Release the power of your resurrection, the spirit of resurrection and cause us to bear much fruit as a result of it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.