Good Morning, I’m Dr. Robert Lightfoot, Executive Medical Director at Big Tree Health Partners and welcome to God Today. You know, before August of 1997, my wife and I were seeking God, we were in a good church, we were trying to study the Bible, we were involved in everything that we could be involved in. But, we knew that there must be something more. Even if we didn’t quite understand what that was, or even what it meant to ask for more, but there must be more. Then some good friends of ours really kind of coerced us into going to the Brownsville Revival, and August 13th, 1997, changed our lives forever.
God met us and we met the glory of the living God in presence. From that night forward, our lives have completely changed. The Lord took us from there on mission trips, and then to a ministry, and has changed our focus completely. What it was about, was an encounter. We had an encounter with the living God. We had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. We had an encounter with the glory of God and the weighty presence of God. We carry that with us from that moment forward, we’ve carried the glory encounter with us. Our purpose every day is to have an encounter with that God.
Today I pray for myself and for you that you will have an encounter with the living God. That the Holy Spirit will visit you, that He will wrap you up, that He will meet you at your greatest need. That you can carry that encounter and that encounter can be for somebody else, to touch them. I bless you in the mighty Name of Jesus.