Keep Your Oath

Saturday, June 11th, 2022

We serve a God who keeps His promises to a thousand generations.
Scott Volk


Hi, I’m Scott Volk. Welcome to God Today. I want to encourage you with one of my favorite verses in all of the Word. It comes from Psalm 15. Psalm 15 starts off by asking a question: “Who can ascend the hill of the Lord? And who can dwell in the tents of our God?” And verse four is the clincher for me. It says, “The man who keeps his oath, even when it hurts. “Listen, “The man who keeps his oath, even when it hurts.” But why does it say that? It’s because if someone’s going to dwell in God’s house and God’s tent, they’re going to be like God. God says, “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.”  God says all His promises are yes and amen. God is a God who keeps His oath. He keeps His covenant to a thousand generations and He is looking for men and women, sons, and daughters who would be men and women of their word.

You know, I have children and I used to come home sometimes at night, after a long day at work, and before I’d left, I’d go, “You guys let’s go to the park tonight when I get home,” and I get home from work and I’m whooped, and all I want to do is lie down on the couch and the kids go, “Dad, are we going to go to the park?” And I said, “I’m so tired.” And the kids go, “But you promised!”  You know, it’s really important that when we say something, we follow through with it. Anybody can give their word when it benefits them, but we need to keep our word even when it hurts.

But the cool thing about this to me, is that not only is it an encouragement to us to keep our word, but it’s a promise to us that God always keeps His word. You know, there may be some promises in your life that are still yet unfulfilled that God has given you. But I want to encourage you today, hang on to God’s promises, because all of God’s promises are yes and amen. So there are two things I want to encourage you with today. Number one, when you give your word, when you make a promise, when you give a vow, follow through with it, no matter how menial that promise seems to be to you. Even when it costs you something, follow through with your word. And the second thing that I’d like to encourage you with is this. When God makes a promise, He always comes through. We serve a God who keeps His promises to a thousand generations. God bless you today.