Hello, friend, I am Brenda Kunneman of Lord Of Hosts Church and One Voice Ministries in Omaha, Nebraska. Welcome to God Today. You know, one of my favorite Bible verses in all of the scripture is Acts 10:38. It says, how “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him.” I want to encourage you with this word from that scripture that Jesus 1) went about doing good. That means He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There is good He wants to do in your life. Just receive that right now. There is good from Jesus, the Lord of the Church, that He is bringing into your life right now. He also went about healing all. The scripture tells us in Matthew 12:15 that Jesus went about healing all that were sick. He healed them all. Not a few, but all. Receive. If you need healing today, receive that from Jesus the Lord of the Church.
Jesus also went about all who were oppressed. If you are dealing with any kind of oppression today, maybe you are feeling blue, maybe you are discouraged, you are down, something is bothering you. Jesus has come to release you from that. That is one of the anointings that God put upon Him – to release you of all manners of oppression. Jesus went about doing good, He went about healing, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. I want to remind you of that scripture that no enemy from Satan himself can touch your life. That blessing is yours. God was with Jesus and is going to be with you, too.
Let me just speak a blessing over your life right now. Right now I speak that goodness comes to you. All negatives have to go from your life. The goodness of God is stretched and extended towards you. I also speak healing over your life, healing over your mind, over your body, your entire being comes into wholeness right now. I speak that all oppression has to go. No enemy can touch your life. I say right now that you’re not alone. God is with you, receive that, receive it in the anointing. I declare, in Jesus’ name, your best days are upon you.