Hello, I am Rebecca Greenwood with Christian Harvest International and I want to say, “Welcome to God Today!” I am so excited to share with you a part of my personal testimony, that I am so grateful for. When I tell this, you are going to hear my giggle because the Lord has filled me with joy. I am so grateful for the freedom He has brought me. Believe it or not, friends, I used to be bound by a spirit of depression.
I was a prodigal for about 3 years. I loved my family, but did everything in the world you were not supposed to do. I did what every good baptist girl does because I was raised baptist. I went back to the Baptist Church, rededicated my life. That was great. My husband and I married serving as youth pastors, the Lord moved us to a church in Houston. We became acquainted with and welcomed the Holy Spirit into our lives. Our lives radically began to change. When we were in these services, God’s presence would be begin to flow so powerfully, and I was good in corporate anointing. But, then I would go home and as soon as my husband would walk behind the doors of our home, this torment of all the sins I had done during those 3 years, the enemy would just come. He would say, “Remember this, remember that, you think God can use you? You think your salvation is secure?” I would wake my husband up at night and say, “Lay hands on me and pray for me.” He would lay hands in his sleep and start praying for me in the Spirit so I could go back to sleep.
Finally, one day I put our daughter down for a nap. She was 2.5 years old. The Lord told me, I learned that if I could worship, I could rise above this torment, so I began to worship the Lord and I could hear Him. He said, “Becca, open up the Bible and read about the woman with the issue of blood.” So I did. Then He said, “Study it.” So guys, for 12 years this woman had been ill. She had spent all of her money. Not only that, she had no human contact. Every time she walked out in public, she had to word curse herself: “Unclean! Unclean! Unclean!” There is all this word cursing and shame around her as well. She needs healing in her physical body, in her finances, the power of those word curses she was required by the law – she needed those broken. And the healing of those emotions of no human contact in that shame for 12 years.
She saw Jesus. She pressed through and grabbed hold of the hem of His garment. We know the story. She was healed. I threw myself down on the living room floor. I could see it – the Lord allowed me to see it. I could see her healing. He opened my eyes and I could see her after the healing. I could see her running and hugging people and shouting: “I am clean! I am clean!” As I was laying on the floor weeping I shouted, “Jesus, I am grabbing hold of the hem of your garment and I am not letting go until I am free!” I felt His presence. My shouting woke up my prophet, 2 year old baby girl. “Mama, I’m hungry! Mama! Mama, why you crying?” I was crying. “Mama!” I went and got her and I worked really hard on her snack that day, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She came out a seer, guys. We knew this. I was sitting at the table and this spirit came back, this spirit of depression and said, “I told you I would never leave you.” My two year old daughter started laughing uncontrollably, hitting her leg. “Hahahahaha, Mama it’s so funny!” Nothing was funny to Mama at this moment. Finally, I said, “Kendall, what do you see?” She said, “Mama,” in her two year old voice, “Mama, don’t you see?” She climbed out of her booster seat and started walking back and forth like a warrior, making this sound, “Roar.” Making this sound. I said, “Kendall, baby, no. What is it you are seeing?” Mama, it is Jesus. He is here doing this for you. I started walking back and forth like a warrior. I said, “Jesus, if you are here fighting for me, I am getting in the fight with you.”
I got to church that night, I went up to my home group pastor – forget protocol I am just saying. I grabbed her by the arm and I turned her to me, and I said, “Tonight is my night for freedom.” She looked right at my eyes and said, “You are right it is.” She laid hands on me and prayed this simple prayer, “Lord, show her what you want her to see.” The Lord took me in this vision and there was this ancient book and it was in Jesus’ hands. He got it right up to my face. I saw, written, my name: Rebecca Long Greenwood, written in gold in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I fell to the floor and began to weep. Another pastor came over and laid hands on my eyes. He said, “Lord, show her what you want her to see.” This time it was another vision – it was Jesus. He was coming to me on the wind of the Holy Spirit. Friends, He got right here, and He said, “Becca, take up your cross. Follow me. It is over. It is finished.” When that word “finished” came out of His mouth, every bit of guilt, shame, torment, condemnation, depression, woooo, instantly left me and this joy flooded my life. 28 years ago, 28 years ago and I have not been depressed a day since.
Right now, for every one of you watching that struggle with depression, that same freedom you brought me, Lord, we break that spirit of depression off their mind and their emotions right now in Jesus’ name. We say, “Go!”, in Jesus’ name. Lord, flood them with your joy. Flood them with your peace. This is their day of freedom and deliverance.