Hi, I’m Jeri Hill with Together In The Harvest. I want to speak to you today about John 15:7-8, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done you. By this my Father is glorified that you bear much fruit so you may be my disciples.”
What I love about this scripture is that the word “you” is in there 7 times. And the key is not what we can get from God, but the key is that if He abides in us and His words abide in us, we abide Him and His words abide in us, then we can ask what we will.
But so often we don’t abide in Him and let Him abide in us and His words abide in us. We start thinking about what we want from God. And it’s so much more than that folks, it is so much, so much more. We have got to go after Him, we have to abide in Him, and He has to abide in us. And when that is happening, what we ask is actually on the heart of God, because then when that happens and this is going on in our lives that He is glorified, that “He is glorified, that you bear much fruit so you will be His disciples”. And it’s mentioned 7 times, “you”.
Abide in Him and let Him abide in you and His words abide in you. And you will bear much fruit and be His disciple.