Living With Peace

Sunday, February 12th, 2023

I want to encourage you today, ask the Holy Spirit, "Who is around me that I can share the peace of God with?"
Lauren Koch


Do you live with peace in your life? A few years ago, I was in college and I had a roommate who didn’t believe in God. One day she came to me sobbing and just opened her heart and shared how she was frustrated, because she saw me walking through my life every day and I had a stillness inside of me, and I had a sense of peace. And she didn’t have that. I didn’t even realize that I was walking around carrying the peace of God for this friend.

Matthew 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will not pass away.”  And this is something I got to share with my friend. Even though she had anxiety, she had fear for the future and fear for eternity, I got to share with her that Jesus has it, that heaven and earth may pass away, but His word goes on and lives forever.

And so I just want to encourage you. Do you have people around you that you’re maybe not even aware of? Maybe it’s a coworker, or maybe it’s a sibling or a friend. They might not know the peace of Christ and you have it inside of you. So I want to encourage you today, ask the Holy Spirit, “Who is around me that I can share the peace of God with?”