Wisdom Is A Gift From God

Friday, February 24th, 2023

Because the truth is, my friend, that nothing on earth stays the same when heaven gets invited into the situation.
Lisa van den Berg


Proverbs 8, go and read that chapter. Proverbs 8 promises us that wisdom is actually standing on the street corner shouting out to us, saying, “Hey, come and ask me for a solution to a problem!”  I remember a mentor sharing something with me one day that his mentor had shared with him. And it’s this beautiful phrase that so struck my heart that I’ve said it over and over and over to myself over the years. And the phrase was a declaration over ourselves. It says, “I have the insight to see to the heart of a matter and the wisdom to know what to do about it.”

That is a game changer, right there right? Because God promises that He’s going to give us, if we’ll stop, and we’ll just say to Him, “Lord, what’s really happening here?”  That He’ll give us insight into a situation that’s going on in front of us. I remember an incident with my daughter. She was reacting and I was reacting. She was reacting and we were really just yeah, at each other.  And, I realized it got to the point where I’m like, this is just not good. And I stopped and I said, “Lord, just give me some insight into this.” Right? And so I realized that something was going on in her. He gave me an insight into it that I would never have known on the surface. And then I stopped and I said, “Lord, will you give me the wisdom to know what to do about it?”

Imagine how this could change your circumstances, whether it’s something you’re facing at work and you just don’t know how to move forward with a project, or there’s somebody that is blocking a promotion for you and you go, “Lord, give me the insight into why this happening and the wisdom to know what to do about it.” If there’s an illness in your body and you get to go, “Lord, why won’t this thing go away?” Or,  “Why is it getting worse? Why does it affect me so much?”  And He gives you the insight into it and the wisdom to know what to do about it.

Because the truth is, my friend, that nothing on earth stays the same when heaven gets invited into the situation. That is the beauty of the power of God on the earth. It’s as Jesus prayed, “on earth as it is in heaven.”  So the next time you are facing something that really looks like you’re stopped, and you don’t know what to do about it, repeat this phrase: “I have the insight to see to the heart of a matter and the wisdom to know what to do about it.”  It’ll change your interactions and it’ll invite heaven into everything in front of you, which is such a beautifully powerful way to live. This is how we get to do life with Jesus every day. I bless you to hear Him, to know how to do it, and to walk it out with Him. Bless you.