Take Time To Be Loved

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

take time to stop and be loved by Love Himself, because the only way that we can truly walk in love is if we have an encounter with love.
Rachel Hale


I want to encourage you today to take time and be loved. Hi friends! My name is Rachel Hale and I want to encourage you from Hosea chapter two, where God calls us His beloved.

One day I was spending time in prayer and the Holy Spirit stopped me and had me write out the word ‘beloved,’ which is what He calls us. But in the moment of writing it out, I saw it as two separate words. I saw it as ‘be’ and ‘loved,’ ‘beloved.’ and God said, “Beloved, be loved.”  And He said, “Rachel, before you’re a human doing, you’re a human be-ing.”  He said, “Before you can truly walk in your identity as the beloved, I need you to stop and take time to just to be loved.”

So I don’t know what that looks like for you. I don’t know if it’s going to look like going to a coffee shop and getting your word out and ordering a latte and reading the word. Maybe it looks like going for a hike with God. Maybe it looks like getting your journal out and just asking Him, “God, how much do you love me today?” Whatever it is, take time to stop and be loved by Love Himself, because the only way that we can truly walk in love is if we have an encounter with love.

So let me pray for you. Jesus, I thank you that you call us your beloved. I ask Father God, that we would have radical encounters with you, and I ask that you would show us how to walk in love so that we can be just a great example of what love looks like on this planet. In Jesus’s name.  Amen. All right, friends, have a wonderful day. I love y’all, and I’ll see you again soon.