The Word Of God

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

I believe that when you have the word in you, it's going to overflow out of you when you go through hard times in your life.
Lindsi Gross


I want to talk today about the word of God. In Hebrews 4:12, it talks about how the word is alive and active, and how it discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Have you ever felt just off? Have you ever just been in a funk, or you can’t think clearly, or you’re confused and you don’t know what to do about a situation? Read the word. Sit down and read the word of God. Read it out loud. Declare it over yourself.

You know, if faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word, say the words in the scripture out loud, and also write them down. Just write them down. But before you begin to study, before you begin to read, just take the pressure off. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. He’s our Teacher. Jesus was crucified and He was resurrected, and He told His disciples that the Helper was going to come. He said, “It’s better for me to go so that the Helper can come.”

The Holy Spirit is a help to us, so ask Him to help you when you get into the word. Oftentimes, if I find that I have brain fog, or I’m feeling grouchy, or just feeling off, I know that I haven’t been in the word. And so I just need to sit down, settle myself, ask the Holy Spirit for help, and start reading whether it’s a verse, or whether it’s chapters, or whether it’s a whole book at a time. I believe that when you’re hungry for the word, you will be filled, and then you will continuously be hungry.

So if you’ve been in a dry place, just open the Bible. Open the Psalms. I love to read the Gospels. I love to read Acts. I love to read how the Holy Spirit came in power. I love all of the true stories of how God has moved through the generations.

You’ll be encouraged and you’ll begin to see breakthrough in your life. You’ll begin to think more clearly. I believe that you’ll learn how to pray more effectively. And I believe that when you have the word in you, it’s going to overflow out of you when you go through hard times in your life.

So I just pray for you right now that your hunger for the word of God will increase. And God, I pray that you would encounter everyone while they’re reading the word and, God, teach them how to study it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.