Hi, I am Rob Radosti, founder of Church 14. You can find me on Facebook @ Rob Radosti. Welcome to God Today. Today I want to talk to you for a few moments about finding your purpose. You know, I have been in ministry full time for 14 years, but a little over 20 years altogether. And all over the world, people have asked me the same question, “Rob, how do I find my purpose in ministry or in the Kingdom of God? How do I find my calling?” Questions like that, but usually around the same theme.
Finally, one of the things I like to do is just ask the Holy Spirit. So finally, I said, “All right, Holy Spirit, how would you answer this question? If I were to say, ‘How do I find my calling? My purpose? Especially really knowing what God is calling me to do?’” In Ephesians, 2:10 it says, “We are God’s masterpiece.” This is the New Living Translation. It says, “You are a masterpiece of God, created anew in Jesus to do good things, good works. Not dead works, but good works that were prepared for you from the foundation of the earth.” What does that look like? How do I figure out what those things are?
In the Book of 2 Timothy, and in the Book of Jude, talks about stirring up the gift of God in you. Built-up in faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. There is something about praying in the Holy Spirit, keeping yourself built up that the mind of Christ in you will begin to recognize things that really stir you in the Holy Spirit. There are things that God has deposited in you.
One of the things the Lord has begun to bring to my mind was to think of those moments. Everyone has had a moment or two in the past few years where something happened, or you did or said something, or you prayed for someone, or whatever it was. But it was like a defining moment. Take a minute. I want you to think about those defining moments. Think about a defining moment where God really met you right there. Where you felt the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit so strongly. What were you doing? What was the setting? What was happening in your life during that defining moment?
Now, you might have an idea of what gets you stirred up in the Holy Ghost. So, when I asked the Lord that question, “How can I answer somebody when they say, ‘How do I find my calling? How do I find my purpose?’” I felt like the Lord said, “Well, what stirs you in the Holy Ghost? What stirs you in my Spirit?” For me, after I came out of Satan worship, I remember the first thing me and my wife did, we began going to bars and clubs and just preaching the Gospel. It stirred me like nothing else would stir me. We would see these young people that were just lost in all kinds of darkness just having these radical encounters with Jesus. That stirred me up and it stirred me so much to the point where I knew this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, no matter what it looks like. I want to see Jesus revealed in people.
For you, it might be medical, it may not be a ministry. But whatever it is, what really stirs you? Where do you feel the presence of God so strongly when it happens in your life or when you do that thing, or when you pray for that person? That’s what stirs you up in the Holy Spirit. That’s the thing that’s going to bring you on that path of looking more like Jesus and reflecting His glory even more and more. That just might be part of your calling, part of your purpose, part of those good things that you have been called to do from the foundation of the earth.
I want you to remember this question and think about it throughout the day today: What stirs me up in the Holy Ghost? What really gets me going and builds my faith? And gets me praying in the Spirit when I think about it? Well, right there you might have the answer to your question. Now I am going to add this: go and make that thing a lifestyle. What stirs you in the Holy Spirit? Go and make it a lifestyle. There is your ministry. There is your calling right there.
Father, I pray right now that anything that has come between or hindered them from walking in, everyone that is watching right now, no matter what country you’re watching from, anything that has hindered you from walking in the fullness of everything that God has foreordained for you to walk in, in Jesus’ mighty name, I thank you right now that those things are released from them. Father, that they can see clearly what it is that you have deposited in them that stirs them up in the power of the Spirit and that you would give them the tools and the resources and the wisdom and the prophetic words and everything they need to really make that thing a lifestyle.
Get ready to step out in faith, get ready to walk on the water. I am telling you, it is a miracle time. There is a miracle with your name on it. As you release those things, you are going to be stirred. You are going to be stirred. You are going to be stirred. In Jesus’ mighty name. Now, go and make that a lifestyle. Good works, not dead works in Jesus’ name. Thank you for watching God Today. I am Rob Radosti.