Surrendering to God’s Work In Us

Friday, May 3rd, 2024

Even though we may have areas of our life, our character, or even our interactions, relationships, or other things that need to be improved, if we come before the Lord, He works on us.
Jared Laskey


I am Jared Laskey of Fireborn Ministries and this is God Today. It is my hope and prayer that you are encouraged and your faith is lifted up through this as we get a glimpse into Scripture. I would also like to pray a blessing over you – that your faith will soar and that the presence of God fills you through this. Psalm 129:23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.”

The psalmist and king, David, was praying and praising God. He had a revelation that God knows him more than he knew himself. He was laying himself before God worshiping Him and knew that God knows everything. God knows our hearts. He knows our thoughts. Jesus told us that God knows the number of hairs on our heads and King David understood that God knows everything, sees everything, and works closely on our hearts.

King David went through a lot of turmoil, wars, and battles. As a very young man, possibly as a teenager, he slew Goliath. Many of the Psalms were written by him. He was a Psalmist, poet, warrior, and king, but he also had his struggles and areas of life that needed to be changed. We may be embarrassed for David when we read about what took place between him and Bathsheba and Uriah, and then the family heartache that followed these decisions. But despite these things, the Scripture tells us he was a man after God’s own heart.

I think we can each identify with this. Even though we may have areas of our life, our character, or even our interactions, relationships, or other things that need to be improved, if we come before the Lord, He works on us. He examines us, purifies us – all the while, loving us. We can receive personal revelations like David did, of how God searches our hearts and minds, knowing our thoughts. And when we surrender our sins and wrongdoing to Him, He leads us in the way of life, the way everlasting.

Now let’s pray. Precious Jesus, right now, touch each and every person with Your presence. Whatever it is that they’re going through, I pray in Your name that they see You high and lifted up. Continue to work on our hearts, continue to work on our minds, and continue to draw near to us. You search us and You know us. Cleanse us of everything and make us more and more like You in Jesus’ name. Amen.