The Battle Of The Mind

Saturday, May 18th, 2024

If I focus on doubt, unbelief, poverty, sickness...those things become bigger in my life. But if I focus on the Word of God and I meditate on it...that is what comes to my direction.
Rob Mallan


Hi, my name is Rob Mallan I am the pastor of Reliant Family Church in Tampa, Florida. Welcome to God Today. Every one of us needs a check-up from the neck up. I believe that your greatest battle, my greatest battle, our greatest enemy is not outside of us, externally. But it is actually internal. It is the battle of the mind. It is what is between our ears. So often, we get stuck in situations because of our thinking. We spin and we go in different directions because of our thoughts. The Bible tells us to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. We are actually supposed to lasso thoughts that are loose and bring them back into captivity. Actually, take them prisoner. If you don’t, your thoughts can actually take you prisoner.


Have you ever had your thoughts take you prisoner before? Have you ever thought about something longer than you should have thought of it? The Bible tells us, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 


Our thoughts are so powerful. Proverbs 18:21 says, “As a man thinks. As a man estimates himself, so is he.” How do you estimate yourself? Do you see yourself the way God sees you? Do you value yourself the way God values you? Unless you are in the word of God, brother, unless you are in the word of God sister, you are not going to see yourself the way God sees you. The word think actually means estimate. As you estimate yourself – so are you. If you believe, “I am healthy, wealthy, wise.” You are going to be healthy, wealthy, wise. But if you believe you are “broke, busted, and disgusted”, you are going to be broke, busted, and disgusted.


You have the ability to think thoughts of life and you have the ability to think thoughts of death. You can slow yourself down, you can speed yourself up. You can get in sync with God, or you can get out of sync with God. Philippians 4:13 says, “[You can] I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart.” Guard your heart. Why? Because it affects everything you do. Actually, one version says, “It directs the course of your life.” Think about this. Where the mind goes, the body follows. Think about it. Where the mind goes, the body follows. What I meditate on the longest thinks about this…becomes the strongest. Becomes the strongest. If I focus on doubt, unbelief, poverty, sickness…those things become bigger in my life. But if I focus on the Word of God and I meditate on it, if I meditate on the good report of the Lord, that is what comes to my direction.


Philippians 4:8 says this, “Think on these things…” These are the kinds of things, family, we are supposed to think about. These are the kinds of things that we are to meditate on. This is how we keep our minds sharp. Philippians 4:8 says, “Think on these things. Think on things that are true.” The word of God is true. “Thin on things that are just. Think on things that are pure. Think on things that are lovely. Think on things that are of good report. The Bible is the good report. It is the good report. When you experience sickness in your body, when you receive poverty or a slip in the mail, and your finances are declining, you don’t have to agree with that. You don’t deny your situation, but you can believe what the word of God says. Speak that and it will come to pass. That’s what the good report is. The good report is the faith report, the God report. When the doctor brings a fact to your direction, and he says, “Hey, there is nothing left I can do. You are sick. I have done all I can do.” You say, “That might be a fact, but the truth is, by His stripes, I am healed.” 


The fact is, right now, you might be broke. You might be walking through a difficult financial situation. You may not have all you need. That might be a fact. But the truth is, Jesus became poor so that you might become rich. Think about this. Think about this. When you apply faith pressure, when you apply the word of God to your situation, you speak it out of your mouth, your situation literally changes. We get not what we want in life, we get what we think on in life.  We get what we speak. 


I challenge you today to put a guard on your mouth. I challenge you today to put a guard on your mind. Think the thoughts of God. Think on these things, think on things that are good, think on things that are just, think on things that are pure, think on things that are lovely. Think on these things. The word says, “On thy word, I meditate day and night.” That is how we keep our peace, family, that is how we keep our groove, by constantly reminding ourselves of the word and constantly speaking that word.


Father, today in Jesus’ name, I pray my brother, my sister who is watching us right now would get a revelation of how powerful we are when we speak the word when we declare the word when we think the word when we release the word in our lives. I bless my friends and partners in Jesus’ name. Amen.