Feeding Our Hunger For God

Wednesday, July 10th, 2024

Take away all of the lesser things that you have allowed yourself to be satisfied with. And allow yourself to get gut hungry for Jesus.
Lydia Marrow


Hi, I am Lydia Marrow and I serve with Shake The Nations Ministries and this is God Today. You know, have you ever thought, “Oh, I just want to be more hungry for Jesus, I want to be so hungry for the Lord, but I just don’t seem to have that hunger, that passion that other people have…”? I find in scripture, in the book of John, Jesus was ministering, and He was teaching, and people were just so captivated by His teaching that they would stand with Him in the wilderness for three days listening to Him teach. Without even having a snack. Why? They were being satisfied with His word.


Jesus turned in the middle of one of His teachings, in the middle of what we would have certainly called a move of God, He turned to everyone and said, “Eat my flesh, drink my blood. Or get out of my face.” He said, “You have to consume me. You have to be hungry for me. You have to be satisfied with me and by me.”


Can I tell you – one of the reasons that I believe we have a lack of real hunger for God today, especially in the Western world, is that we have chosen to be satisfied with lesser things. We have been filling our lives up with what one of my friends calls, “the appetite suppressants of this world”. 


So many times we say we have hungered for God, but we really are people who want to binge-watch something on the internet. We say we are hungry for God, but we really would rather go and be with our friends. No, friend. If you are really hungry for God, you will make time for Him.


I was on the way to preach at a friend’s church one time. I had to stop at a service station and I just stopped to fill up with gas and use the restroom. But, in the process, as I was coming out of the service center, there was a bag of Doritos. A big old bag of chips, my favorite flavor. And I was starving. I was so hungry. But, I chose to walk away. Because I knew that I was on my way – the preachers I was going to preach for – the pastor’s wife is one of the finest chefs I have ever met. And I knew that she was setting a table for me, with some of my favorite food on that table. So, I chose not to be satisfied with lesser things. I chose to wait for what she had prepared for me.


So many times, we say we are hungry for Jesus, but we have been satisfied with a ham sandwich when we know He has made us a T-bone steak. Friend, I am asking you today: remove the clutter, remove the distractions. Take away all of the lesser things that you have allowed yourself to be satisfied with. And allow yourself to get gut hungry for Jesus. And gut hungry for His word once again. No one can satisfy you but Jesus Christ. He said, “Those who drink of me, I am the living water. Those who drink of me will never be thirsty again. He is the only one who can satisfy your soul.


Let me pray for you. Father, I ask you right now, for everyone who is watching me. That you would develop once again such a deep hunger for you. Oh, God, I ask you to take away the pleasure of the lesser things until we totally refocus our lives on you. We know Jesus that you are the only one who can satisfy our hunger. You are the only one who can quench the thirsty soul. So, Father, get our focus back where it belongs. Give us a gut hunger and thirst for you. In the name of Jesus. From all your friends at Shake The Nations to the nations of the world through GOD TV. Enjoy God Today. Keep watching GOD TV. We love you so much, God bless you. In Jesus’ name.