We Are The Church

Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

When the veil tore, we became the temple for the Holy Spirit to rest.
Nathan McClure


Throughout the New Testament, it talks about how we are the Church. When Jesus died, He tore the veil, and before that, what was behind that veil was the presence of the Lord. That was the Holy Spirit that was resting in that room, and when the veil tore, we became the temple for the Holy Spirit to rest.

When I was younger, I had a leader in my dad’s church. He used to always say, every time we got up, because we didn’t have a building or home base for our church. And he would always say, “If we go to the beach, that’s where church is. If we go to my home, that’s where church is. We are the church.”

You know, when two or more are gathered there His presence is. We have to understand that church is more than a building. It’s more than just lights and cameras. It is who we are, the bride of Christ. It’s knowing that when we get people around us, we are the church and we are moving the Kingdom forward. Sharing testimonies is a beautiful thing. We are encouraging each other, we’re uplifting each other and showing each other what the Lord is doing. It encourages me when I hear testimonies, makes me want to go out and do it myself. You know, have the Lord move through me like that. I’m a very introverted person, so the fact that I hear somebody during outreach talking to people gets me excited to go talk to people. It’s great, it’s a beautiful thing and I love it.

That’s what church is, is hearing what the Lord is doing and getting so moved by it, you can’t sit still, and taking the church to the streets, letting the Spirit pour out of you, because that’s what we do. If people can’t come to the Holy Spirit, we’ll bring the Holy Spirit to them.

So, Lord, we just pray for the people watching this. We thank you for your mercy and your love over their lives. Lord, we pray that this just impacts them in a way of knowing that they don’t have to go somewhere to get to your presence, that they have it accessible right now, that it’s right at their fingertips, that they’re able to pour out what is already inside of them. Thank you for your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.