Anointed, Appointed, and Called

Monday, August 19th, 2024

We are sent out as an anointed, mobile, walking, talking message from the Father into our lives to decree and release the peace of God.
Jodie Hughes


Hello friends, I’m Jodie Hughes from Pour It Out Ministries. Let’s take a moment and just lean into the truth that you are anointed, appointed, and called for right now. And not only that, you’re called and anointed for your own life.

I love the verse from John 20:21, and it says this, “Peace to you as the Father has sent Me, I have sent you.” Now get ahold of the truth of that verse for your life, your sphere of influence, and your circumstances. Jesus was saying this to us – “As the Father has sent Me, I have sent you.” That’s you, friend. You can grab ahold of the truth of that, that you are appointed, anointed, and sent into your life into your sphere of influence into the things that you do with your day-to-day life. 

You can know that “Jesus has sent me and I am anointed. And therefore, as I step into my business, as I step into my family, as I step into all the things that I do with my daily life, I’m anointed.” And so as I open my mouth, the words of God are being released and infused into my atmosphere and my sphere of influence and into the people that I come into contact with every single day. 

And not only that – God said, “Peace to you. As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.” So we are sent out as an anointed, mobile, walking, talking message from the Father into our lives to decree and release the peace of God. Do you know what that means? That means when you walk into a situation and there’s chaos and agitation, you can know – “I’m anointed right now to show up in this situation and decree the peace of God.”

You can know this, that when you arrive on the scene and there’s been agitation, and that sense of things not being right, that when you show up, you’re anointed. And you are anointed to decree peace and to decree the heart of Heaven wherever you go. So know this friend, you’re anointed, appointed, and called for such a time as this. Take that anointing and decree peace. The peace of God, wherever you go. I’m Jodie Hughes, and this is God Today.