Start With the Simple Things

Monday, August 26th, 2024

I think that the key to really fulfilling our destiny is simply being Jesus with skin on.
Nathan and Lydia Marrow


Welcome to God Today with me, Nathan Marrow, and Lydia Marrow. We want to talk about a topic that is probably the number one prayer request that we get at the ministry. And that is, what am I supposed to do with my life? What is my destiny? You’d think we’d get other prayer requests like, please pray for me to be healed or please pray for me to be saved, but no, it’s, “What am I supposed to do with my life?”

This question absolutely bemuses us as a ministry, simply because of this: there are Scriptures that are very clear about what we’re supposed to do. Too many people spend all their Christian walks just waiting for God to speak from Heaven, “This is what you’re supposed to do.” But the Bible says this in Matthew 28:18-20. “Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost as I have commanded you.’”

It’s very clear: go out, win the lost, pray for the sick, lay hands on them, and pray for deliverance. It’s very, very clear about what we’re supposed to do. If God’s not spoken to you, do the simple things. Reach out to the poor and needy. Help the widows. There are so many things in God’s Word. So if you don’t know today what you’re supposed to do, if you don’t know today what you’re called to do – do the simple things in God’s Word. It’s a phenomenal starting place. Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.

You might not be able to get on a plane or go to an event and preach to somebody, but I want to encourage you – wherever your sphere of influence is – it may be at a school, maybe in your workplace, maybe among your family, but reach who God has given you to reach. I can’t reach who you are supposed to reach. So I want to encourage you today, go and make disciples, go and win the lost, and go and pray for the sick.

I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been speaking, even with Ward Simpson, and he has said things like, “We always say that we’re waiting on God. No, God is waiting on us.” There are people that I went to Bible school with that are still waiting for the Lord to open up the door for them. They’re not doing what God has equipped them to do. We have been given sixty-six books of Scripture. We have been filled with the precious Holy Spirit, the mighty third person of the Trinity Himself. We need no further impartation or touch from Heaven to do what the Bible just instructed in this passage.

In fact, I think that the key to really fulfilling our destiny is simply being Jesus with skin on. There are people that would think, “Well, if it’s not platform ministry, it’s not God.” The truth of the matter is that I’m blessed that I get to be on a platform and preach Jesus. But most of the time I’m blessed to be a mama and I’m blessed to change some diapers. I’m blessed to teach two little boys how to pray. This is how we pray when you’re sick, before we ever reach for medicine, we pray for the sick and see them recover. We’re teaching the Great Commission in our house. 

Most of the time we have to embrace this idea of doing the Great Commission in our circle and our sphere. We’re going to be Jesus with skin on to whoever’s in front of us. That is revival – doing the works of Jesus with those around us, right in front of us. This is our purpose. This is our destiny. The rest is simply details. So let’s pray for everybody that’s watching today. We’re so glad that you’re a part of the GOD TV family and that you’ve subscribed to God Today. We’re honored to be able to speak to you for just a moment.

Father, I thank You for every person that is watching this. I pray that we would not try to over-complicate the Christian walk – that we would keep the simple things right at the call. We’re supposed to reach people. As we go to Heaven, we’re going to try and take as many people as we can with us. I pray that we will not be fearful to pray for the sick and that we will not be fearful to go and help the lost in our world and in our sphere of influence. We pray that You would help us reach widows and help us reach people that are in desperate need. Help us be the hands and feet of Jesus. In Jesus’ name, we ask it. Amen.