Hey, welcome to God Today, this is Evangelist Chris Mikkelson. We’re just in a series talking about the prodigal son and how the prodigal son returned back to his father. And I want to just share with you kind of my story and how, where I was.
11 years ago I was involved in drugs and alcohol and living just a wild lifestyle. And there came a moment when I turned back to the Lord. And in that moment I had decided, I made a decision to begin following God. But for about 2 or 3 months I was one foot in the world and one foot in the church. You know how that can be. And I was not doing as many drugs as I used to be doing but I was kind of living this compromised life. And I’ve seen that happen so many times to young people. They give their lives to Jesus, they give their lives to God, they have this burning desire to want to follow Jesus, yet they’re continuing to live in this lifestyle of dabbling in the world and of sin and compromise in their life.
But there came a moment in my life about 2 or 3 months into following Jesus where I just said “God, I’m done. I don’t want to live this way anymore. I want to surrender everything to you, Jesus.” And I had a revelation one night, I was sitting in my car and I had this revelation that, God I have one life, I don’t know that I am going to be alive tomorrow, I don’t know how long I have to live; maybe I’ve got a week to live, a month to live, a year to live, maybe I’m going to be alive until I’m 120 years old. I don’t know. But what I do know, is that I want to make this life that I do have count.
And so at that moment, I gave my life to Jesus and I said “Jesus, I’m done. I’m done living for myself, I’m done living for me. It’s gotten me nowhere. Jesus I want to live for you.” And I gave my life to the Lord completely. I turned my car around, I went back to my apartment, I told my girlfriend, who’s now my wife about this decision that I’d made. And Jesus radically delivered me from drugs, a lifestyle of sin and alcohol and all of these things. And He set me on a course to live my life with purpose for Jesus.
And I want to ask you today, maybe you’re in that place of compromise in your life. Today, it’s time to just give your life back to Jesus, give Him 100% of your life and He’ll take you and mold you and change you into His image, into the person He wants you to be.
And so if that’s you today and if you want to make that decision, I want you to just repeat this prayer after me. Just say from the bottom of your heart, just say…
Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you today a sinner in need of salvation. Jesus, I’m done living my life for myself. I want to live for you 100%. I give my life to you completely. I turn from sin and I turn to you Jesus. Save me now. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.