Your “no” is just as powerful as your “yes.” I remember, I was serving in a kid’s ministry a few years ago and you know, I was just young and zealous for God, and with every opportunity that was presented, I was like, “I want to do this, I want to serve here, I want to do this.”
And I remember the children’s pastor, who was my boss at the time, said to me, “Hey, I just want you to know that your ‘no’ is just as powerful as your ‘yes.'”
I really feel like we need that encouragement as believers, that when we say, “No” to certain things, it actually makes the things that we say, “Yes” to more effective. We don’t want to burn out, we don’t want to stretch ourselves too thin, and so having boundaries is actually okay.
I really feel like some people need to be reminded of that, that it’s okay to say, “No” sometimes. It’s okay to set boundaries, so that way whenever you are pouring yourself into a certain ministry, into a certain thing, you can fully give yourself to that and that your capacity isn’t limited. And so I bless you with the sensitivity and the discernment to know what to say, “Yes” to and what to say, “No” to.