The Breath Of Life

Saturday, October 26th, 2024

As we read the scriptures, we grow and know Jesus, and we mature so that we are equipped to do His will and His work everywhere we go.
Jared Laskey


Blessings to you. I am Jared Laskey of Fireborn Ministries and this is God Today. It is my hope and prayer that you are encouraged and your faith is lifted up through this as we get a glimpse into scripture. I would also like to pray a blessing over you that your faith would soar. I believe you would sense the presence of God all over you.


2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All scriptures breathed out by God, and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training and righteousness that the man of God may be complete. Equipped for every good work.”


That is such a good passage of scripture. Every time I read it, I am reminded of how God breathes into Adam. the first man, the breath of life. God breathed and humankind came to life. Not only does this remind me of God breathing life into you and me, but also Jesus breathing into the disciples, saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” It’s so good, isn’t it?


It took a breath for humankind to come to life. It took a breath for the disciples to be born again, receiving the Holy Spirit. And it was through God’s breath that scripture was made. And the words we see on every page or on our digital device, these words are profitable. We learn from them as they breathe into every area of our lives. Our homes, how we act, how we work, and how we interact with other people. How we care and respond to situations. 


The words of the scripture can correct us, change us, cut out bad habits and wrong thinking. And it trains us in righteousness which is to live our lives and walk as Jesus walked. As we read the scriptures, we grow and know Jesus, and we mature so that we are equipped to do His will and His work everywhere we go. 


May I pray for you? Precious, wonderful Jesus, right now in your wonderful name, may we see how your word is profitable. How your word teaches us, trains us, reproofs us, corrects us, leads us into walking more and more like you. In your righteousness. May each and every one of us watching right now, glorify you and do your will. I pray we all have a revelation of who you are and of your love. May our faith soar in Jesus’ name. Holy Spirit, Touch everyone right now. And may they sense your presence in this moment and all day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


I am Jared Laskey of Fireborn Ministries and thank you for watching this encouraging word from God Today.