A Father’s Heart

Monday, October 28th, 2024

He loves you.  No matter what you have been through, no matter what you are going through.
Ryan Bruss


Hello, I am Ryan Bruss with Revive International and I want to welcome you to God Today.  I want to talk to you today about the Father’s love. You know, I grew up without a father.  He got cancer when I was seven and he died when I was 12. I am 45 years old today. I grew up, my mother never remarried, and I grew up without a father.  It isn’t fair that a young man loses his father. You may have lost your father, whether he died, or maybe he went to prison or something like that. I had to search for the Father’s love because I didn’t know it.  My father loved me, but I never saw him because he was so sick with cancer.  

I searched the scriptures to see. I said, “Lord, the word says that I am supposed to feel the Father’s love.  I am supposed to experience the Father’s love.” When I searched it, guess what? I found it. I found His love and I am telling you it is one of the greatest passions of my heart to teach people about the Father’s heart, the Father’s love.  I am going to tell you something that happened to me one time. I was looking at my son out of our two-story window. He was laughing, and playing, and having a good time with his friends. I heard the voice of God say to me, the Father said, “See, you don’t remember a wrong thing your son has ever done.  You are looking at him with joy, you are looking at him with such love.” He said to me, “That is how I look at you every day, Ryan. I look out at you every day and say, ‘That’s my boy. That’s my boy.’” And if you are a woman, “That’s my girl.”

I remember one time I was at my niece’s graduation.  There were at least 3,000 people there, the place was packed out.  It was a big school. They warned everybody, “Be quiet. Nobody shout out for your child as they come up for the graduation ceremony as they get their diplomas.  Nobody shout out.” One after another came. One after the next. This boy walked up, senior in high school, he walked up. I hear way from the back, it was so awesome, I hear, “That’s my boy.”  Even as I talk, I feel like crying because that dad was so proud of his son. His son graduated from high school. I don’t know the situation, I don’t know the man, but out of all 3,000 people, that man – even though he wasn’t supposed to – he yelled out, “That’s’ my boy!

That’s how the Father sees you.  It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, what you’ve gone through.  If you repent, if you ask for forgiveness, you are so clean. He loves you no matter what you are going through in your life.  Today He is saying to you, “Sir, that’s my boy. You are my boy, you are my son, you are my daughter and I love you.” We have to settle the matter in our hearts once and for all.  The Father really, really loves you. Not only does He love you, He likes you. The Father likes you and He enjoys you. You may not feel like the Father loves you, the Father enjoys you, but I am telling you – you get in there with God, you get in your prayer closet, you get in the word of God and you start applying those scriptures about His love.  I am telling you – He will fill you to overflowing.

Jeremiah 31:3 says, “He has loved me with an everlasting love.”  That means He loves me with no beginning and He loves me with no end.  I am telling you, friend. He loves you. No matter what you have been through, no matter what you are going through.  I am telling you, sir, today the Father is saying to you: “That’s my boy. That’s my son.” And ma’am, He is saying to you, “That’s my daughter, that’s my girl.”  

So Father, today, in Jesus’ name, I release and I feel this when I do this.  I release the Father’s love over your life. I release the Father’s love. I pray, right now, that you receive it.  That you receive His love right into your heart. Right into the most lonely place. Right into that place into your heart where it has been wounded.  You may have a wound in your heart from your father, or maybe a stepfather, or whatever. You don’t know how to relate to the Father God. I want for you to be healed in that area right now.  I release the Father heart of God on you. The love of the Father, the touch of God. I feel this right now, even in this room right here, I feel the love of the Father. I am telling you – you are going to feel it today.  I release it on you. May you feel love. May you live loved today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.