The Role Of Worship In Our Lives

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Worship is really this place where we train our heart and soul and mind to focus on Jesus.
Tommy Colin


Hi, I am Tommy Colin with The Worship Factor ministry, and welcome to God Today. Today, I want to talk to you about the difference that worship makes in our lives, and I want to give a personal testimony about how it works in my life. And if I have to be completely honest, like right now in my life, it’s not like the easiest of time. I feel like it’s really hard to have a vision for my life because the society is changing a lot. There’s a lot of more of control and our liberties are shrinking down, our freedoms are shrinking down and you can feel there’s much more control coming and coming in the future. And I feel like I don’t, sometimes I don’t have a future, and I feel like I don’t have a vision.

And I’m like that as a worshiper, I need a vision. I need to believe I have a future. I need hope. And, I feel sometimes like, I don’t have so much future. I don’t have so much life, like it’s in the society, in my working life, in my relationships, and sometimes I feel depressed. I’m just like, what’s going on? Like, how can I cope with that? And it’s, it’s not an easy situation.

And I believe many of us can relate to that and I hear about it all over in the world. And, this morning I was praying, and I really, Jesus talked to me and said, “Hey, you know what? You want a vision? I am your vision.” Like, think about revelation. What a vision when Jesus is revealed to the whole world as our Savior and the leader of the world and King of the world. And this is an amazing vision. He was talking to me, “Do you want a future? I am your future. Do you want hope? I am your hope.” In Jesus there is hope. In Jesus, there is vision. In Jesus there’s this revelation. And Jesus, He’s saying, “I am the bread of life.” Jesus is our life.

And what I’m thinking, okay, this is all going dark, Jesus is coming and saying, “Hey, I’m the light of the world. And just, if you would focus on me and don’t forget about me, just focus on me.” And, I felt what Jesus was saying to me, He was telling me, “I am the only thing that you need in this life.” And somehow, even this situation can help you to realize that because your work is going, like you don’t know where in your life, and this society and your relationships, even the relationship with the brothers and sisters are harder to get in this period. But Jesus was saying to me, “I am everything you need. I am your life. I am the light. I am your future. I am your hope. I am your love. I am there and I’m not going anywhere.”

So brothers and sisters, I wanted to testify about that. And worship is really this place where we train our heart and soul and mind to focus on Jesus. Worship is really important for that as we get this training. And then we don’t forget about it when it’s the dark day, when it’s the tough day, and today, I feel it’s that day in my life, but Jesus, He’s there and He’s faithful.

So I want to pray for every one of us to stay close to Jesus. Father, I thank you for the hope you give in our life. I pray that you fill us, fill my brothers and sisters with this hope, with the light of Jesus, with the hope of Jesus, with this coming revelation of Jesus, with the life and the hope and the truth and everything that we need. In Jesus, everything is there. Help me and help us to understand, we don’t need more than Jesus. If everything belongs to Jesus in our life, then we are in the right place. You put us at ease, at peace, and this is all we need. And we thank you for that, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.