Declaring And Decreeing A Thing

Saturday, November 30th, 2024

You you want to choose life or death? The power of life and death are in your own tongue.
Cindy Jacobs


Hi, I am Cindy Jacobs with God Today. You know, one of the most powerful tools that we have in our toolbox is being able to speak the word of the Lord and decreeing a thing. In Psalm 2, it talks about, “‘I will declare the decree’, the Lord says.”  We are able to use the authority God has given us and speak to those mountains in our lives and they must move.


Don’t speak what Satan says.  Satan says, “Things will never change, you are never going to fix your finances, you are never going to be well.” No, don’t agree with Satan’s kingdom, agree with God’s Kingdom. Stand up in the morning and say, “Body, I decree over you, you are well. I decree over my finances that prosperity and blessing are coming my way.” This is the day you choose: do you want to choose life or death? The power of life and death are in your own tongue.


So, I want to say: stand up and speak to those mountains! Be bold, be brave! Don’t let the Devil get you down on the floor and you can’t even sing to get up.  This is the day to rise up, realize that you have been seated with God in heavenly places. You have the authority to take charge and control over your life by the things you speak. I am Cindy Jacobs and God bless you.