Hey welcome to God Today, this is Evangelist Chris Mikkelson. We are just talking here in this series about the prodigal son and how the prodigal son had taken his inheritance, he’d gone out and spent it, and when he came back to the Lord, when he returned to his senses he went back to his father. But what I love so much about this story is that the young man, he turns and returned to go home, and he thought that his father would not embrace him and that maybe if he went back to his father he could just get job as one of his father’s servants.
But the Bible says here that when the father saw him, the father was not angry with him, but rather the father was looking down the road for his son. And when he saw his son, the father ran out to him and embraced him. Put a ring on his finger and a robe around him. The father loved the son.
My friends, sometimes when we’re far away from God and we’re out doing things that we know we ought not to be doing. Sometimes we think that God is going to be angry with us, and mad at us, and going to scold us. And that can happen, but honestly God is a good father, and he’s looking at you and he’s saying, just come home. Just turn back to me. And I don’t know where you’re at in your life, in your walk with God, but maybe you’re far away from God, maybe you’ve gone astray like the prodigal son.
My friend, if you just turn back to the Lord, you’ll find that Jesus is there with his arms wide open ready to run to you and embrace you, and pull you in, and put a ring on your finger and a robe around your shoulders and bring you back in as a son.
My friends, God loves you so much, and He wants to set you free, no matter where you are, no matter what you’re going through and I believe this is a divine appointment for somebody today!
And I just pray, today, would you turn back to the Father. I want you to allow Him to embrace you, to change you from the inside out and I promise your life will never be the same again. In Jesus’ name. And I just want to pray for you.
Father I thank you for each and every person listening this morning. I pray God that you would just touch them, that you’d be with them, that you would cause them to come running back into your loving arms. And Lord I pray this morning that as they turn back to you they will find that your arms are open and you’re ready to receive them. I pray that they give their lives to you fully.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.