Yield to Oncoming Traffic

Monday, April 30th, 2018

It doesn’t matter who gets to the bridge first, dear friends.  God wants you to yield to oncoming traffic.
Ward Simpson


Hello, everyone.  I am Ward Simpson, President and CEO of God TV and you’re watching God Today. I want to tell you a story about a man who was driving down a country road one day and he came to this one-lane bridge.  As he approached a bridge there was a sign that said “Yield to oncoming traffic”. So he looked and there was nothing coming and he continued his journey.  On his way home, later that day, coming back to that same bridge, coming from the opposite direction, to his surprise there was that sign again: “Yield to oncoming traffic”.  The maker of that bridge, the engineer of that bridge decided that it would be in the best interest of all drivers if they would yield to each other. That would be the best situation to avoid an accident – if they would yield to each other.

I began to think.  How many times in my own life should I be yielding when I don’t yield?  In patience – you get to that 4-stop junction and you want to be the first to go.   What is God saying to you today to yield to? What does it mean to yield? It means to give way.  What do you need to give way to today? Is it an argument that you need to give in to, to give way to?  Is it a situation in business, is it at school? Is it somebody that has offended you? It doesn’t matter who gets to the bridge first, dear friends.  God wants you to yield to oncoming traffic.

You know, the Bible says that God resists the proud and He gives grace to the humble.  Jesus said in Luke 18, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled. And those who humble themselves will be exalted.”  I want to encourage you today, dear friends. Whatever it is that you need to yield to today – yield. Make your Father proud, He is watching you today.  God bless you and thank you for being a subscriber to God Today. It is because of your gifts, because of your partnership that we are able to take this gospel message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth.  Day after day we receive testimonies of men and women from all over this planet coming to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, being set free and being delivered. It’s all because of our partnership. God bless you, have a great day, and don’t forget:  give way today!