Beloved, I am Dr. Mark Chironna and this is God Today. I want to read you a passage of scripture that we all know from Romans 15:13. It is a prayer that Paul prays for the roman believers. The Holy Spirit applies it to you and I. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that the power of the Holy Spirit may abound in hope in you.” One of the things that is so devastating is how easy it is to fall into a sense of hopelessness when we don’t quite see the changes that we desperately long to see. In seasons of what someone called “a long obedience in the same direction”.
Sometimes enduring happens for endurance’s sake. In those seasons of endurance the enemy can lie to us and convince us that there will be no breakthrough. Convince us there will be no thing that will change the thing that needs to be changed. Nothing could be further from the truth. The God you serve is the God of hope. The God of hope is not only in your present, He is in your future. He knows the end from the beginning. He wants to take to what wants to happen, that hasn’t happened yet by hope and break into your present in such a way that regardless of what has happened in the past, or what is happening in the present. When hope invades that hopeless situation, you couldn’t have predicted how God would have turned it around. Based on, “Well, if this happened here, and this is happening here, this must be what is going on.” No. Hope breaks in without the ability to predict how it is going to arrive or what it is going to look like. You can’t base hope on the way things have been or the way things are. God is going to shatter hopelessness in your life.
What you are going through is a season. It is not a life sentence. May the God of hope deliver you from the hopelessness that causes helplessness to follow after it. He has given you the power of hope to abound in the Holy Spirit, so that nothing will be impossible. So that you can do all things in Christ, it gets better, I promise. Hope is on the way to you from the future into your now. The Father of light and glory, and the Father of Spirits, by His Holy Spirit is going to cause you today to abound in hope. Father, sobeit in the name of Jesus.