Hi, I am Sam Caster, founder of Manna Relief Ministries and welcome to God Today. I am going to talk to you today about what I call a Joseph Anointing. We know who Joseph was, a story in the Bible of this young man who was abandoned by His brothers, sold into slavery. And it looked like nothing was going to go right. But, God had given him a dream and a vision for how he was going to change the world.
Sometimes, people like me – I am in the marketplace – feel a little lost in the Church system. We are not called to be pastors, we are called to the marketplace. But what is our role in the marketplace? In 1993, my wife and I had just sold a business. We were Christians, we had faith, we just were not following God’s plan for our life because we didn’t know it. We decided to pray about it. While we were praying, my wife said, “I think God just told me that He is going to birth a Joseph company of provision through us that will touch the lives of people in all nations of the Earth.
That sounded pretty big. But that is the kind of ministry God can call you into. It may not be your local church. You may have a burden for fatherless children like we did. Well, we followed our hearts which led us into another business which ultimately led us into a ministry of nourishing medically fragile, malnourished children all over the world. God blessed us with incredible technologies, a massive business that we took all over the world that helped fund that ministry. That is what I call a Joseph Anointing. It was outside of the Church, but it was specifically for us and what God was going to do in the world through our marketplace ministry.
Let me just pray for you real quick. If this witnesses to you, I just pray God will call you into something unique and special. God has a plan for everyone’s life and I know He has a plan for yours. If you don’t feel called, necessarily, to a local church, it doesn’t mean God is not going to use you in a very powerful way. I pray that as you pray and look for God’s will for your life, that He exposes it to you, that He shares with you the mission He has for your life. And I pray it manifests itself incredibly in your life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.