Hi, my name is Victoria Osborne and I am an evangelistic student at Christ For All Nations Bootcamp. Welcome to God today. Today I wanted to talk to you about obedience. Recently, the Lord has asked me to quit my full-time job as a nurse, to sell everything I own, and take a huge step of faith, walking into this Bootcamp at Christ For All Nations.
In that, the Lord reminded me of the story of Moses and how He called Moses and Moses felt unequipped, unqualified, like he couldn’t step out and do what the Lord was asking him to do. But the only thing the Lord asked him to do was to be obedient and take the next step that was put in front of him. He said, “I am with you. I am with you. I am with you.”
And friends, when the Lord is with us we can do all things with Him. So we need not fear what is ahead but we can step out in faith and take that risky step of obedience because with Jesus it is not really risky is it? My name is Victoria Osborne, thank you for watching God Today.