God Will Tell You Things to Come

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021

I want you to know God's got a great future for you, and if you'll listen to the Holy Spirit, He will show you how to avoid the evil plans of the enemy.
Greg Mohr


I’m Greg Mohr from Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado. Welcome to God Today. I want to read one verse from John 16:13. It says, “When He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak of His own authority, but whatever He hears He’ll speak and He’ll tell you or show you things to come.” I want to talk to you about the Holy Spirit, who knows your future, Who will tell you things to come.

First of all, He will show us positive things to come regarding your Kingdom potential. We know the verse in Jeremiah 29:11. God knows the thoughts towards you. They’re thoughts of peace and prosperity, not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. But the very next two verses tell you how to enter into that. And that is that we’ve got to seek Him with all of our heart.

That means we can’t have our own plans, our own ideas, and then ask God to bless it and get into our future. We have to seek Him and lay aside our own plans, our own thoughts, and our own ideas. And as we do that, God begins to download in us the future He has for us. And I’m telling you, God’s got a wonderful, wonderful future for you, filled with prosperity, filled with hope, filled with a Kingdom adventure. If you’ll follow Him and listen to Him, you’re going to discern what He has for you. But you can’t be doing your own thing. You can’t just be doing things your own way.

The second thing that the Holy Spirit will do is He actually will show you negative things regarding the plans and schemes of the enemy so that we can stop it and so that we can avoid it and prevent it. Whenever God shows you a negative thing about the future that the enemy has planned for your life, it’s not for us to submit to, it’s not for us to yield to in resignation – it’s so that we can realize that God knows what the enemy is doing and we can avoid that. Proverbs 22:3 says, “The prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself.”

On 9/11 there were 30,000 people who worked in the Twin Towers. Three thousand people perished and 1000 of those were first responders. So 2000 people perished and about 8,000 people got out of those buildings alive – where were the 20,000 that were supposed to be there? God was dealing with people that day, saying, “Don’t go to work. Don’t get on that subway, go stop and do this, or do that.” The Holy Spirit was showing people. He was trying to protect people from the evil that was to come.

One time my wife, Janice, and I were praying, and we sensed this foreboding feeling and sense of dread. We started praying and the Lord showed my wife a vision of my son, Michael, who was two at the time, running out into the street. This red pickup truck was there coming fast and would have hit him. Then she came out of the vision and we took authority over that. We bound the enemy. We took authority over him in the name of Jesus.

Three years later, we were in Galveston, Texas. My wife was crossing over Seawall Boulevard with my three children and Michael, my then five-year-old son, darted across the street because he thought that Janice was there. He was right in the middle of the street and my wife looked over to the right, and there was that red pickup that she’d seen three years before. She said, “Jesus!” and Michael flew back into her arms backward. An angel, no doubt, had saved his life. 

But the bottom line was that God showed us that plan of the enemy three years before and through prayer and our words, we were able to stop it. I want you to know God’s got a great future for you, and if you’ll listen to the Holy Spirit, He will show you how to avoid the evil plans of the enemy.

Father, I pray for every person that’s watching that they would be sensitive to Your voice. You’ll show them the future, Lord, both good and bad, and they’re going to walk fully in the plan of God. And the enemy’s plans will be thwarted in Jesus’ name. Amen. This is Greg Mohr, and this has been God Today.