Welcome to God Today. My name is Brittany Thompson. I’m one of the God Today contributors and I contribute on Relentless Woman live. I’m so excited to share this with you today. This is something that’s been on my heart for a while, and I really believe that it’s an important message for your day-to-day.
I had this moment a few months ago where I realized that in my thought life I had been believing three specific lies, and I’m going to talk about one of them today. I think that it’s something that we all struggle with a little bit, even if we don’t know it. I was believing the lie that God is not enough. I literally caught myself thinking, God doesn’t care about my needs. He’s got bigger problems to deal with. He’s got big plans for me, but He doesn’t really care. He’s not there. It’s not like He needs to be in every moment of every day.
One day as I was walking through the grocery store I was getting ready to pick this can of beans off the shelf. And I was like, “This is great.” And the Lord was like, “Is it though? You didn’t ask Me what to put on your menu this week. You didn’t ask Me when you should work out. You didn’t ask Me what your work schedule should look like. You didn’t ask Me what My very best for you was.” I felt so challenged in that moment to bring God into the everyday moments of my life that I stopped. It pulled me up short in the middle of the grocery store. I had an encounter with Jesus and sometimes that’s the way that He works.
He brought this Scripture to my mind later as I was reading the Word and it is Hebrews 1:3, and it says, “Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature. And He upholds the universe by the word of His power. Making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.” I began to realize that if Jesus is the exact radiant imprint of the glory of God and I was made in the image of God, then I should be that same exact radiant imprint of the glory of God every day. Even when I’m in the grocery store, picking a can of beans off the shelf, I am the radiant imprint of the glory of God.
I want to remind you that it is okay that your life looks different than everyone else’s because your life needs to be designed by the good and perfect God that loves you. He wants to have encounters with you every single day. He wants you to learn to trust Him, to speak to Him, and to have conversations with Him. Even though it feels hard and overwhelming some days – I understand because I’ve had days like that – guess what? God is there with you in those moments. I want to encourage you that you can and you will see the glory of God in your life.
Let’s pray together. Jesus, thank You that You have designed us to be the radiant imprint of You – the exact representation of Who You are to the world around us. Thank You that You are the one Who brings all of the glory, Who meets all of our needs, and Who helps us through every single situation in our day. Thank You that You have all the answers and we don’t have to have all of them. God, we pray right now for an encounter today like no other. Amen.