Hi, my name is Justin Evans, and I’m part of the GOD TV team. Welcome to God Today. Today I just wanted to share with you something that the Lord recently impressed upon my heart, and revealed to me, not just in my head, which was knowledge that was already there, but something that really just applied to me right now. And so, back in 2014, I had an incident where I looked at something that I shouldn’t have. And at that point in time, it was like kind of some flood gates were open to the enemy to come in and just do some major warfare on my mind and trip me up for the last seven years. Just feeling the guilt, feeling the shame and feelings, and feeling a myriad of feelings and emotions with that. But the Lord likes to straighten us out. Amen?
And so, with that today, I just want to go to Galatians chapter 3, and it says, “Let me ask you this one question. (This is verse two.) Did you receive the Holy Spirit as a result of obeying the law and doing its works, or was it by hearing the message of the gospel and believing it? Was it from observing a law of rituals or from a message of faith? Are you so foolish and so senseless and so silly, having begun your new life spiritually with the Holy Spirit, are you now reaching perfection by dependence on the flesh? Have you suffered so many things and experienced so much all for nothing or to no purpose, if it really is to no purpose and in vain. Then does he who supplies you with his marvelous Holy Spirit and works powerfully and miraculously among you do so on the grounds of you’re doing what the law demands, or because of your believing in and adhering to and trusting in and relying on the message that you’ve heard? Thus Abraham believed in and adhered to and trusted in and relied on God, and it was reckoned and placed to his account and credited as righteousness as conformity to the divine will, purpose thought and action.”
And so, with that, you know, the devil tries to trip us up and tries to keep us in guilt, shame and condemnation, wherever he can, and he tries to keep our minds busy and focused on all those things that we have messed up on. But God’s so good in the sense that when the devil comes in like that, Romans also tells us that when sin abounded, grace abounds much more. And so with that, even though I struggled for seven years dealing with this thing and trying to figure out what was going on, which was not really in my power, and trying to deal with it in a way that I knew how, and it was all in the head, all natural, so to speak. But, with that only natural results came. Now, when we rely on the Spirit of God and not the law, right? That’s what that was talking about, not our own knowing of what to do and how to do it, and relying only on the natural resources, but when we rely on the Holy Spirit, that’s when true freedom comes. It also said in Galatians “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” And so when we have that input by the Holy Ghost, when we listen on the inside, not just in our minds, but on the inside, getting that revelation from the word of God and by his Spirit, as He said, His words are Spirit and His words are life, right? They are Spirit. And they minister to our spirits. They are life and they bring life as was also said in the Amplified version of John 10:10, that Jesus said He came to give life and life more abundantly.
So whenever we get the word, the revelation, we get life brought to us on the inside. And that’s what happened as I read those verses just a little while back.Those verses just came to life and brought life into me where that wasn’t there before for the last seven years. And so the Holy Ghost really ministered to me and got me past that little stumbling block. And, you know, there’s freedom when we listen to the Spirit of God and yield to Him and do what He instructs us to do.
And so that’s what I just want to encourage you with today, is open yourself up to the Holy Ghost, let that light as John 1:1 said that Jesus is that light, let that light come inside of you and bring life to your spirit man, and also to your mortal bodies. Revelation will do that. It will bring light and it will bring life. So I just wanted to encourage you with that this morning. Don’t take the guilt. Don’t take the shame. Don’t take condemnation. But rather instead, take the grace, take the mercy of God, and take the life of God Almighty in abundance till it’s full, until it overflows, as the Amplified version says in John 10:10.
All right, I just want to pray with you now and be blessed as you go about your day. Amen? Father, we thank you for this time together in your word. And we thank you for your impact of the revelation light coming from the Holy Ghost on the inside of us, rising up and stirring us up today. Thank you for your goodness, for your grace, and Father, for your mercy. As we know by your Spirit, we get the liberty that we need. We get the freedom that we need to do what you’ve called us to do and to live how you’ve called us to live, that life to the full until it overflows. And so we just thank you for that today, and we give you praise and glory and honor for it, Daddy, in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen? Amen.