Giving God Your “Yes”

Friday, December 9th, 2022

Our “Yes” excites the Father, and He just wants to pour out on us through that “Yes” that we have said to Him. 
Nathan McClure


Hello, my name is Nathan McClure, and I want to welcome you to God Today. Now I want to share with you today something that’s a really big testimony in my life. Um, so just recently I got engaged and we throughout the whole relationship have always been saying, “Yes” to God. So today I want to talk to you guys about how our “Yes” excites the Father and how He just wants to pour out on us through that “Yes” that we have said to Him. 

So me and Kate, we got engaged and throughout the relationship, like I said, we we’ve been saying, “Yes, Father, we want You in this relationship and we don’t want this relationship if You’re not in it.”  And, and let me tell you something, the Father has poured out in this relationship. We’ve seen time and time again, and just coming in and just showing us how good He is. He was able to get the ring for me to give to Kate 50% off! We were able to get a venue for free! We’ve just had time and time again, just outpouring of favor throughout our relationship. Um, just because we have, and we’ve aligned ourselves and said, “Lord, we have aligned ourselves with You and we agree, and we want Your will to be done in this relationship.”

And so I just want to pray right now that, that throughout your days, throughout your, your times with the Lord, you just say, “Yes,” and that the Lord will then just show and pour out on you. And we just thank You, Father, for the “Yes” these people are saying, we just say more and more Lord, more favor and more, more blessings on their lives, Lord we just thank You, Lord, that You are such a good, good Father Jesus’ Name, Amen.