Declaring The Word Of God

Monday, February 13th, 2023

You have been called to rule and reign with Christ, so declare the Word of God over your life.
Lindsi Gross


Anytime I’m feeling discouraged, afraid, anxious, or something just doesn’t feel right in my life, I make declarations. One of the declarations that I make over my life is Psalm 16:16 that says, “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”

Our tongues have the power to change the atmosphere around us. They have the power to bring things into alignment with the will of God. They have the power to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

I know that I was not created to live in fear, and so when fear comes and it feels like it just comes out of nowhere, I declare these things over my life. So I want to encourage you to declare the Word of God over your life. You do not have to put up with the enemy messing with your mind. You have been called to rule and reign with Christ, so declare the Word of God over your life. Pick a verse. There’s so many verses in the Word. Hey, use this one, use Psalm 16 and declare it over yourself.

I want to pray for you today. God, I thank you for everyone who’s watching today. And I pray, Lord, that you would stir them up to declare the Word of God over their lives. And I declare there’s going to be breakthrough as they do this, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.