Breaking The Spirit Of Comparison

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023

You get to move God's heart in a way that someone else can't move God's heart.  You get to impact the world in a different way.
Melvin Nutall


Do you know that God isn’t looking for a copycat version of someone else, that God created us all unique, all special, and that the world needs what you carry?

You know, I remember being young and you know, looking at different ministry leaders and being plugged into different ministries. It’s awesome to get inspiration and to be inspired from other leaders, but I remember in this season I was like, man, I want my life to look like this person, or I want to preach like this person, or I want to, you know, sing like this person.

And I remember hearing a message from Heidi Baker and she said, “God isn’t looking for a copycat of someone else, but God wants you to be who you are and who you are created to be.”  And so I just come against any spirit of comparison, where we can begin to measure our lives like someone else, and that we would be confident knowing that, hey, what I bring to the body of Christ, what I bring to the table in its own packaging and its own uniqueness is special. And that you get to do something that no one else on the earth gets to do. That you get to move God’s heart in a way that someone else can’t move God’s heart.  You know, you get to impact the world in a different way.

And so I just, I pray for confidence in you, that confidence would arise in you and your heart and that you would just take hope of, wow, I get to be me today. I get to show up in my community. I get to show up, and the world as me and not anyone else. And so I bless you to be you, in Jesus’ name.