God Is Always With Us

Friday, July 21st, 2023

When you were in that place of brokenness, you're going to see God.
Pat Schatzline


Hello, this is Pat Schatzline with Remnant Ministries International. Welcome to God Today. Let me ask you something. Have you ever felt like all was lost? I’ve been there. When my sister suddenly died, she was a drug addict and her body gave out, she had gotten saved but her body was wore out and I went through a season of just wow, where are you God?

I’ve learned the teacher never talks when He gives a test. I’m reminded of a season like that. Jesus has died on the cross, He’s in the tomb, the disciples think all is lost. Man, they are now enemies of the state and there’s two disciples that are walking down the road. They were discouraged, they were defeated and the Bible says in Luke 24 that Jesus walks up beside them on a road to Emmaus. They’re actually going to vacation. They’re going to a seaside port. I mean they’re just going to relax. They’re done, they’re done, burnt out on ministry and the Bible says that all of a sudden, they’re walking along and Jesus walks up and they don’t recognize Him and they start asking Him questions and they start just going off. He said that He would do this, He said he would be this. They’re talking to Jesus and don’t recognize it. Have you ever noticed that sometimes you’re walking along, you don’t even realize God’s there but He’s there?

And the Bible says that Jesus starts preaching to them. He tells him everything the prophets described about Him. They still don’t realize it. Then they come to a crossroads. Jesus starts to go this way and then the two disciples go “Hey, you want to go with us?” And Jesus said, “Okay.”  I wonder how often we forget to say, “Jesus, please stay.” I wonder how many times we walk into meetings or here we go into this and we forget to say, “Please stay.”  Then the Bible says they walk into a house, sit down and when they broke bread, their eyes were opened to Him.

It’s in the breaking that you see God. That’s the greatest altar call ever. When you were in that place of brokenness, you’re going to see God and then He was gone, He disappeared, poof, He’s gone because Jesus loves to play peek-a-boo. What do you mean? He did it with the disciples all the time. I play it with my grandson, peek-a-boo. Jesus popped into the upper room then He disappeared, popped into the disciples, disappeared. Do you know why Jesus did that? It’s the same reason why I play peek-a-boo with my grandson. Here’s the bottom line. It’s why we do it with our kids. We go peek-a-boo. You know why? Because we’re teaching our kids even though you can’t see me, we’re still here and that’s what Jesus was doing.

The Bible says that all of a sudden that Jesus is gone now, He disappeared. They said, “Did not our hearts burn within us as He was talking?” There’s a moment where you begin to realize that no matter what you’re going through, God will let your heart begin to burn again, but it’s in the breaking that you’re going to see Him. That was the first altar call by the way after the cross. It started at a kitchen table, the restoration of the altar and the garden. What if God says even in your breaking moment, He’s going to let you see Him? Your heart will begin to burn again.

Let’s pray together. Lord, I pray that right now whoever is watching this by their mobile, whether they’re watching it on their laptop, wherever they’re watching it at home, in school, in their car, at work or even at a funeral parlor, they’ll realize that you can make their hearts burn, that you are right there, that you’ve never left them. You’ll never leave us nor forsake us. Wake us up to realize it’s you walking with us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.