The Master Gardener

Saturday, August 19th, 2023

I said, “Lord, I feel like you’re the Master Gardener.  You need to come inside of us and take out all the roots of bitterness that we have."
Pam Hanes


Hello, my name is Pam Hanes with Pam Hanes Ministry, and welcome to God Today. What an amazing Father in heaven that we have.  His mercies endure forever. One day, my precious grandson, when he was about 10 years old, came running into my house with this huge thing that looked like a potato.  With a long vine coming out of the potato, and I recognized it as a vicious potato vine.  That potato vine would go over our flowers, our azaleas, our camellias, and choke the life out of them.  And my grandson said,  (my grandmother name is  “Lulu”), and he said, “Lulu, this is the biggest potato vine in the world! We need to weigh it.”  So, I ran to get the scale, we weighed the potato vine.  And he may have been right! It weighed 17 pounds.  

And after I gave the potato vine back to him I was aware that potato vine is like a root of that vine.  And what came to my mind was I felt like God was saying something to me about a root of bitterness, that it speaks of in the book of Hebrews. It says, “Beware lest a root of bitterness grow up inside of you and many be defiled.”  That’s a scary thing, if you had 17 pounds of bitterness inside of you that could take root and many other people would be defiled by your bitterness.

I asked the Lord,  I said, “Lord, I feel like you’re the Master Gardener.  You need to come inside of us and take out all the roots of bitterness that we have.  We don’t want to hurt anyone else.  And we usually get a root of bitterness because we’ve been hurt.”  And as I began to pray and I asked the Lord to deliver me from roots of bitterness, God began to reveal to me His heart of mercy.  

You see, mercy means to enter into the pain and be healed from the inside out.  I just wonder, does God need to come and do surgery on you today? By taking His scalpel of mercy, delivering the root of bitterness, opening up that root of bitterness, and probably inside of it is a lot of pain. He takes His scalpel of mercy into the pain and He heals you from the inside out.

May the God of mercy sew, heal, and deliver you from all pain, and protect you from this day forward that no more bitterness will come near your beautiful heart.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.