God’s Big Idea

Monday, September 25th, 2023

He has great plans for you, He sees you in a way that you will never see yourself and that’s ok.
Jessica Koulianos


Hi, I’m Jessica Koulianos from Jesus Image. And welcome to God Today. Today I just want to talk a little bit about dreaming big.  There’s probably many of you watching that think, “I’ll never do the things that God has for me.  I don’t ever see that happening for my life.”  And I want to tell you we all think thoughts like that, but what God has for you is so great.  What He has in store for your life is so big that your wildest imagination could never see the goodness that God has for you.  Michael and I are hosting this amazing event, Jesus 17.  And we started this 4 years ago, and looking back if I knew that God was going to grow it in the way that He has, and I believe He still is going to, it would have freaked me out so much I probably would have wanted to quit and not do anything. But, God had something in store and I was just trusting Him in the process and He was holding our hands and just knowing it’s going to be okay.  

When you have things and when you aspire to do things there is always a cost with it and there comes, sometimes, persecution, there’s finances involved sometimes to do great things for God. There’s just so much.  There is people that liked you that stop liking you. It can get messy sometimes.  So if I knew that it would get this way I probably would have been scared 4 years ago to keep going for it, but God only gave me and Michael what we could handle.  And that is what I feel God is doing for some of you.  Just trust Him in the process, trust Him along the way.  He has great plans for you, He sees you in a way that you will never see yourself and that’s ok.  Because we all have flaws, we all have things, we all have dreams that we aspire for.  And God has a way of going in your life and just pulling out the goodness in you and pulling out the greatest thing.

So, Lord, I just pray that you will bless them.  Lord, anoint them to finish the race strong and do what you have called them to do.  In Jesus’ mighty name.