He Holds All Things Together

Monday, November 20th, 2023

He's going to bring order into the life of your family and into your life, just like He brought order into the whole universe. He's going do this in your life today.
Andrew Thompson


One of my favorite scriptures in all of the Bible is the Gospel of John chapter one, verse one. And it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” And it talks about how all things came into being through Him. And this reminds me of how it talks about in Colossians, that Jesus is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

You know, Jesus is the Word made flesh. He made, with the Father, with the Holy Spirit, the entire universe. In Him, all things hold together. And there’s this thing called laminin that holds your whole body together. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this, but look it up on YouTube because there’s a really powerful sermon by Louis Giglio about this. But the very thing that holds your whole body together is actually shaped in the rough shape of a cross. And Christ truly holds everything together. He’s the very reason that you don’t fly apart at the atomic level in your body and cease to exist. And today, He not only is holding you together, but He wants to hold your hand and He wants to hold your life together.

You know, when I was 18, my life felt like chaos. And as I started to spend time with the Lord and really dwell with Him and focus on him like David did, I learned it from the Psalms. And as I started to do that, my life felt like a rough, stormy sea where everything was just in disarray. And it’s like He just calmed everything down in my life and brought everything into order and into alignment. And as you spend time with the Lord and focus on Him, whether it’s a moment, a few moments, or a whole day; and really you can spend time with the Lord all throughout the day, but as you spend time with Him and focus on Him, He’s going to bring your life into more order and less chaos.

I’m reminded of this right here in this moment, that it says that if you resist the devil, he will flee, draw near to the Lord, and he will draw near to you. Submit to the Lord. And as you spend time with the Lord, He’s going to draw near to you. What do you think’s going to happen? It’s the very thing that would’ve been impossible without the Creator in creation. He’s going to bring order into the life of your family and into your life, just like He brought order into the whole universe. He’s going do this in your life today.

So Father, today we receive order coming into our lives, and we receive that by drawing near to you with the promise that you’re going to draw near to us. And we know that the darkness cannot resist the light. And as it says in John 1, it says, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” The darkness cannot resist the light, so the enemy is going to flee from you as you draw near to the Lord and resist the devil. Enjoy His presence today.