New Season

Friday, December 1st, 2023

I say this Christmas over you marks a season of increase and a transfer into something fresh and something new.
Brenda Kunneman


Hello, friend. I’m Brenda Kunneman of Lord of Hosts Church and One Voice Ministries in Omaha, Nebraska.  Welcome to God Today. You know, many statistics say that the holiday season, the Christmas season, is some of the most difficult times for people.  Instead of it being a season of celebration for many people, so often it’s a time where people deal with depression, discouragement, and they face so many difficulties in their life.  But, I want to encourage you today to see this Christmas season as the embarking on a brand new season.

You know, when Jesus came, back in the Bible, the scripture reminds us that He was the transition between an old season and a new season.  When the angels made the announcement, “Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men,” God was declaring that this is a time when a new season has come to humanity.  I want you to see this year, this special Christmas, as a new season for your life.  God is doing something brand new.  Whatever happened in the previous year, whatever happened last year, that season is over.  God is saying there is a new time and something brand new coming to your life.  Jesus is bringing you into a brand new place.  There is good will coming to your life.  I prophetically declare that over you – to see the good will of God coming upon you.  God is not mad at you, God is not upset with you in any area of your life. He is here to help you.  He is declaring this is your next season of goodwill from heaven.  The heavens are open over your life in this coming year.  So, just see this Christmas as a time to lift your hands, to rejoice, to declare blessing that you are coming into something new.  

Right now, I prophesy over you, and I make this decree and this declaration, and I say, that a new season is come upon you.  Every place where it seems that the heavens have closed we break that.  We say in Jesus’ name now that the heavens are opened upon you, and that blessings begin to pour out in abundance in this new time.  We say that whatever the devil tried in the past, that time is over.  You will declare from your lips, “It is certainly a Merry Christmas because God himself is smiling upon me and upon my family.  And something is about to take place.”  And I declare this even over you, that whatever difficulties have been in your family in this past year, this Christmas it takes a shift in the Spirit for the better.  There is unity where there’s been strife.  There is blessing where there’s been difficulty. There is abundance where there has been deficit. And I say this Christmas over you marks a season of increase and a transfer into something fresh and something new.  I declare that blessing over you right now.