Hi, I’m Danny McDaniel, pastor of Bethel Dallas Church in Lewisville, Texas. I want to welcome you to God Today. Today I want to share something with you that I believe is going to inspire you to go the distance with God. It has everything to do with our journey to freedom. It has everything to do with the process of sanctification. The Bible talks a lot about sanctification. That word means to be set apart and made holy. Right now, I am speaking to believers all over the world–people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. So, if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, if you believe in the Lord and you are saved, and you believe you know are going to Heaven, just think, you may have 10 more years, 20 more years, 40 more years. You may have 60, 70, 80 more years to live on this earth unless Jesus comes back. What are you going to do with that?
I believe the Word instructs us on what to do. It comes from the Apostle Paul was he was writing to Timothy, 2 Timothy 2:20-21. Paul said, “In every great house,” that means you as a believer. “In every great house it is made up of gold and silver, and wood and earth. Some to honor.” So gold and silver means honor, wood and earth to dishonor. The next verse says, “If a man purge himself from the latter.” Think about that. “If a man purge himself from the latter”, meaning the dishonor, “He will become sanctified”, set apart and made holy, “sanctified and made for the master’s use and prepared into every good work.”
How many of us want to be prepared into every good work? I want to be prepared as I am living on this earth, to represent God in that way. Therefore, we have to purge ourselves. That happened to me. I was a Christian, I got saved, gave myself to the Lord in 1998. But, I wasn’t perfect. I knew, as I was reading the Scriptures that I had more things God had to work out of me. Through the process of learning in the Word and learning about freedom in Christ, and getting the Word inside of me, I realized there were things inside of me I had to purge. It was dishonor – gold and silver, wood and earth. Some to honor, some to dishonor. Think about that. Paul said, “You purge yourself.” He didn’t say, “Get on your knees and cry out to God.” He said, “You do it.”
How do we do that? We do that in the name of Jesus Christ. My prayer for you today is that you take your authority as a believer. You use the name of Jesus Christ to purge yourself from any dishonor you may be walking in in life. That is not accusational, it is not condemning–it is the Good News. It is the Good News of the Gospel. For me, dishonor might be anxiety, stress, frustration. God doesn’t want us to walk in anxiety, or stress, or frustration. He doesn’t want us to walk in fear. He said, “I did not give you a spirit of fear.” Fear is a spirit. “But, I gave you the Spirit of power, and love, and of sound-mind.” Therefore, Paul is saying, purge yourself from fear. That means get it out. That means you say, “Fear, in the name of Jesus, you have to leave from my life. Fear of man, get out of my life in the name of Jesus. Fear of what others think, get out of my life in the name of Jesus. Fear of the dark, get out. Fear of death, get out of my life in the name of Jesus. Anxiety go, worry go, stress go in the name of Jesus Christ.”
Today, if there are things you would deem with common sense as dishonorable to God, know you have the ability to purge that and get that out of your life. Why? So treasures rise up. The gold and silver. The gold and silver is covered up by wood and earth. You want to dig out that dirt, and dig up that wood and earth so the gold and silver, those treasures of God rise up in you. Those are precious gifts. God wants to see that happen in you.
Let me pray for you real quick. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for everybody watching all over the world, that they get a revelation from this and they are inspired by this Word to go to you and say, “Lord, I am going to purge myself from any dishonor in the name of Jesus Christ.” I pray you grab ahold of that word and you seize it. In Jesus’ name. Have a blessed day.