Finding Joy In Pain

Saturday, January 27th, 2024

No matter what you're going through in your life right now, if you will hold onto Jesus, I promise you there are blessings headed your way.
Weyman Dodson


Welcome to God Today, with Weyman Dodson. Man, do I have an encouraging word today! I want to tell you, you know, I know that life sometimes can be really tough. I want to tell you a little personal experience about my own life that happened to me almost 18 months ago to this current day right now. You know, 18 months ago, my wife left the house. She went to take my little girl to dance, and my son was also with her. I was at home watching our infant child. And as she went, she went to take my little girl to dance, I was just praying, because I was leaving in the next couple of days on a trip to Honduras, and I was super pumped up, super excited. And I noticed that an hour or two had gone by, which was normal. But then I began to notice that it began to get to 9:00, 10:00 at night. And I began to notice that man, where’s my wife? So I tried to call her and I called and it went straight to voicemail. Just kept going to voicemail. But about an hour later, I had a knock on the door, and as I walked around the corner, as I began to open the door, I saw that it was a police officer. I knew in that moment, my whole life was about to change. Like everything was about to change. And I want to tell you that today that no matter what you face, like you can walk in joy. You can walk in Jesus Christ. Like the joy of the Lord is your strength. And in His presence is the fullness of joy.

But as I opened this door, this police officer, he says, “Are you Weyman Dodson?” I said, “Yes, sir. I am.” He says, “Could I come in and talk to you?” And I said, “Yes, sir.”  And he came in and he said, “I hate to tell you this, but is your wife so and so?”  I said, “Yes, she is.” He says, “Well, I just currently pronounced her dead at the scene of an accident.” And immediately, I already knew something was wrong as he approached the door, and I saw that he was the one knocking at my door, but I knew that that day, that moment was going to determine the rest of my life. And that’s what’s brought me to this moment, standing, even in front of this camera today, is that, that I knew that that day there were two paths to take because, man, I faced a great trial in that moment. I could either choose Jesus, and it was going to be a tough road, or I could choose the way of the world and just forget about everything. But in that moment, I began to just choose Jesus. Even though I was weeping and crying, man, I began to just have joy like never before. I promise you through the whole experience, my own daughter was in a coma because she was in the wreck as well for six days. And we worshiped day and night and I would cry, but yet I had joy.

I want to encourage you today. You may be facing some trials. You may have a sickness. You may be facing some of the toughest moments of your life. I want to declare to you today, from my experience and my personal testimony, that in His presence is the fullness of joy. I want to encourage you not to give up today. I want to encourage you, you can go through anything and carry joy, because Jesus IS the joy. And like, I just want to pray for you today. You know, I want to let you know that, you know, it’s almost been 18 months and my whole life has changed. And you know, I’m still a dad and I still take good care of my children. But God has opened so many doors, because I’ve been obedient, because I’ve held on to the Man, Jesus Christ. And I want to encourage you, no matter what you’re going through in your life right now, if you will hold onto Jesus, I promise you there are blessings headed your way.

So Father, I pray right now in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I pray over each and every person who watches this today, I pray your divine favor, divine strength of joy to be upon them, to stay joyful in times of trials, joyful in times of adversity. Like your Word says, when we come into trials to count it all joy. Father, I pray a counting of joy, Lord, an opportunity for every one of us to see our trials, our struggles as opportunities to release joy. Bless you today.