Shalom, I’m Wayne Hilsden, and welcome to God Today. I’ve been serving in Israel for 34 years and what a privilege that’s been. I want to share with you a little devotional today from Matthew chapter 6. We can get caught up in the things of this world. We think what’s happening in our lives right here are a big deal. But you know, it’s just a little blip on the screen compared to eternity. Eternity is a very long time.
The question is, what are you investing your life in? Where is your treasure? Is it in things? Things, you know, don’t last for eternity. There is no u-haul that you’re going to have behind your car as you’re headed up to heaven. In fact, the only things that really last are people. Are you investing in people? Are you loving people? Are you sharing the good news with people that are lost and they’re not going to make it to heaven? Are you discipling those who come to faith so they can become those who make disciples? You know that is our calling – to make disciples of every nation. It’s an urgent matter. The time is short. I believe we are in the last of the last days. If we get caught up in the things of this world, we are going to get distracted from our main calling which is to fulfill the great commission – to reach everybody with the great news that Jesus, and Jesus alone is the way to the father.
I’ve owned some real estate at various points of my life and you know what I’ve discovered? When I’ve gotten too caught up in that I don’t own the house – the house owns me. It can just get a hold of your heart. Jesus said, “I’ve gone ahead of you to prepare a place for you.” We’re going to have a great home in heaven. If you’re not prepared for heaven you’re really wasting your time here on Earth.
I encourage you. Lift your head high. Look up to Yeshua (Jesus), make Him your Lord – give him everything. Don’t treasure things here on Earth, but make sure your treasures are already being prepared for Heaven. Invest in people. Love the people that God loves, and God loves the whole world. I don’t care how difficult certain people are in your life. Jesus loves them and He wants to fellowship with them forever in Heaven. So, don’t lay up your treasures here. Lay them up there.
God bless you. I want to pray for you now. Thank you, God, that you’ve called us and you’ve said, “I want to live with you forever.” Thank you , Lord, that Heaven is forever. Help us to get perspective to understand that the things of this world are not that important. What’s really important is laying up treasures in Heaven, investing in people who are eternal. We love you, Lord, we just say “thank you” that you’ve chosen us, that you’ve loved us enough that you sent your son to die for us. To take our sins upon your Son that we might be the righteousness of God. Thank you, God, for those who are listening today and watching today, may they be revived in their spirit. May they come to know you if they don’t know you yet. Those who know you will give even more of their time and energy into investing in the people you love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.