Good morning! This is your sister, Stacey, with God Today. I love the word of God because the word of God has life. I love the word of God because the word is true. The word of God is the only thing that will not pass away. The scriptures says that, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will stand. It will not pass away.” When you think of yourself, when you think of your children, I want you to think of yourself as being a child of God. And He said in the last days He will pour Spirit on all flesh. He said His sons and daughters will prophesy. His young men will see visions and His old men will dream dreams upon His servants and His handmaid – He will pour out of His Spirit.
This Spirit is waiting for you. I don’t want you to think that you have been left behind in the things of God. The gifts of His Spirit: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, healing, faith, miracles, tongues, interpretation of tongues, discernment of spirit, prophecy. I don’t want you to think you’ve been left behind. You have not been forgotten. Why? Because He said in the last days He will pour His Spirit out on all flesh. You are all flesh. Your children are all flesh. I want you to be in expectation and the waiting of the Spirit of God that is going to fall upon you. I want you to yield to the moving of the Holy Spirit. I want you to yield to the wooing of His Holy Spirit. Wait on the Lord. Wait on the Lord. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart. Wait for Him to breathe the Spirit of the Living God upon you as He pours His breath – His fresh breath of the anointing upon you and this last day. Be encouraged with the expectation of the Holy Spirit coming to you. In Jesus’ name.