Hi, this is Marty Goetz. I am a singer and songwriter and Messianic worship leader sometimes. Welcome to God Today. Well, I have beautiful feet. Do you know why? I have these fantastic shoes. They were a gift from one of the premiere evangelists on the earth today. His name is Pastor Greg Laurie. He got me these shoes. I have been wearing them ever since. I have gotten so many compliments on them. But you know what’s more important than the shoes? The feet that are in the shoes. Pastor Greg is one of those people that preaches the gospel – the good news – that God has a son. He sent His son to earth to die for our sins, was buried, rose again from the dead, and is coming again. So I want to be like my friend Greg. I want to have beautiful feet. I want to preach the gospel of peace – especially to my own jewish people.
I was raised a jewish person. God says, “one day all Israel will be saved”. But, He also says, “How should we hear about Yeshua Jesus, without a preacher? How should they preach unless they are sent?” Then it says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace and bring good tidings of glad things, especially to the jewish people.” You know, that is so important. If you have jewish friends, jewish relatives, people of whom you are business. Please pray for them. You know what? The casting away of the jewish people because they didn’t believe in yeshua Jesus, as a nation when He first came. One day they will. You know what it is going to be? Resurrection from the dead. Life for the dead. Don’t you want to be part of that? Preach the gospel of peace. Have beautiful feet, but first hear the gospel of peace and believe it. One day, the beautiful feet of Jesus are going to stand on the Mountain of Olives in Jerusalem. He wants you to be there, but you can’t be there unless you put your faith in Him.
Lord, I ask that we would all have beautiful feet that preach the gospel of peace. The goodness that Yeshua Hamashiach Messiah Jesus has given His life for the world, was buried and risen again, and is coming again. His beautiful feet will stand on the mount of olives. One day we will all go up to Jerusalem t worship Him. May we all find it in our hearts to believe and give the good news to others. Step by step, with your beautiful feet, God bless you and we say that all in the name of Yeshua Jesus. Amen.