Hi, my name is Eddie Tait. I’m the associate leader at Bethel Austin. And I’d like to welcome you to God Today. You know, today I want to talk about seeking God, seeking His face and praying. And there’s a common verse that a lot of people will read. And it’s 2 Chronicles 7:14. And it says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.”
You know, I love the aspect of that God is asking us to pray and seek His face. It’s actually prideful not to pray. It’s prideful not to seek His face. That’s taking ownership on ourselves that we have control of everything when He actually asks us to lean into Him. And when we do, when we put our focus on Him, when we look into His eyes and gaze into His heart, when we pray and ask Him to be the Lord of our lives and the savior of everything that we do and know. When we actually give everything to Him, we allow Him then to hear our prayers, to hear the desires of our hearts, to heal our land, to take care of the things that we need taken care of.
See, it’s when we face Him, not our circumstances. It’s when we turn towards Him, not the things that are going on in our lives. We don’t take control of trying to fix everything, trying to get through on our own strength, but we lean into Him just saying, “God, Father, I need You. I love You.” And in that relationship with Him, in that desire to just embrace intimacy with Him, He takes care of everything. He guides our steps. He takes care of our needs. He takes care of everything that our hearts desire just by facing Him, just by seeking Him, just by praying to Him.
I just want to encourage you that no matter where you are, if things are looking glum, or if things are looking great, you still just turn to the Father. Turn and seek His face. Pray to Him, ask Him to be involved in every area of your life. You’ll see increase. You’ll see breakthrough. You’ll see provision. You’ll see joy. You know, the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. And those things are found when we turn our affections to Him, not when we turn away from Him to try to take care of things on our own.
So I just want to encourage you – lean into God today, lean into His face. Pray, ask Him to be involved in every area of your life. Let’s pray. Father, I just thank You. I thank You for each and every one of us, God, I thank You that we have got a desire in our hearts to be intimate with You. And Father, right now, we just, we exalt Your name. We say, Father, You are part of every aspect of our lives. And Lord, I pray that everyone watching and listening to this would just receive the hunger to seek You out. That they would receive the desire to be more intimate with You than they ever have before. And God we know You love us. We know You’re perfect in every way. You’re a good God. And You will take care of us in every way we need. Thank you. God bless you guys.